 | Gillray's "To Be or Not To Be" is among the many works on view in the Lewis Walpole Library's exhibition of recent acquisitions from 2003 to 2007.
Lewis Walpole Library celebrates re-opening with exhibition
An exhibition showcasing the newest additions to the collections of Yale’s Lewis Walpole Library is now on
view in Farmington, Connecticut.
Titled “Recent Acquisitions 2003-2007: Selected Books, Manuscripts & Works
on Paper,” the exhibition will continue through April.
The Lewis Walpole Library, part of the University Library, is a major research
center for 18th-century studies and the prime source for the study of politician,
writer and architectural innovator Horace Walpole and the home he designed,
Strawberry Hill.
The library reopened to readers and visitors last fall, following a year and
a half of extensive renovations. This is the first exhibition in the new space,
and it presents highlights of the range of diverse materials acquired over
the last five years.
The display features nine new titles that are part of the library’s ever-growing
collection of books once owned or written by Walpole; many of these are annotated
by Walpole himself. Also on view are an autograph letter signed by Walpole,
18th-century periodicals, extra-illustrated volumes and groups of ephemera.
The exhibition includes additions to the library’s renowned collection
of 18th-century satirical prints and caricatures, including prints and drawings
by James Gillray, George Moutard Woodward, Isaac Cruikshank and Thomas Rowlandson.
The display also features aquatint and watercolor topographical views, mezzotint
portraits and the drawing of a Wedgwood design.
For more details, to make an appointment to visit, or for directions, e-mail
walpole@yale.edu or visit www.library.yale.edu/walpole.
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