Researchers find gene that protects newborns from respiratory distress
Yale School of Medicine researchers have isolated a gene that helps protect
newborns from the most common respiratory cause of infant death in the United
States — respiratory distress syndrome.
This gene, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), also helps fetal lungs
develop, the researchers report this month in the Journal of Immunology.
The overt cause of respiratory distress syndrome is underdeveloped lungs — the
more premature the newborns, the more likely they are to have a loss of lung
volume caused by air space collapse and poorly developed capillaries. Infants
with the syndrome often require mechanical ventilation within the first hours
of life.
The Yale team wanted to pinpoint the molecular events leading to respiratory
distress syndrome because, despite advances in treatment, survivors often develop
chronic lung disease and are at higher risk of developing asthma.
“The finding is important because prematurity is not only the most common
respiratory cause of infant mortality in the U.S., it also tends to be a more
serious problem in inner-city neighborhoods,” says Dr. Richard Bucala,
professor of medicine and pathology and professor of epidemiology at the Yale
School of Public Health, who is the senior author of the study.
The research team studied premature mouse pups bred to be deficient in MIF
and found that the lungs of these mice were less developed. The mice also had
lower levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and corticosterone — two
factors that promote lung development.
In addition to its role in fetal lung development, the MIF gene also regulates
the innate immune response and has been implicated in a number of inflammatory
disorders, such as sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults, asthma
and autoimmune diseases.
“Because relationships exist between the known human variants of MIF and
the severity of other respiratory diseases such as asthma and cystic fibrosis,
we are very interested to know whether MIF variants might be associated with
a higher risk for developing respiratory distress syndrome or chronic lung disease
in premature infants,” said Alia Bazzy-Asaad, chief of the pediatric pulmonary
section at Yale School of Medicine and co-author of the study. “We hope
to pursue this in future studies.”
Other co-authors include Katherine Kevill, Vineet Bhandari, Mika Kettunen,
Lin Leng, Juan Fan, Yuka Mizue, James Dzuira, Miguel Reyes-Mugica, Courtney
McDonald, John Baugh, Christine O’Connor, Zubair Aghai and Seamas Donnelly.
— By Karen Peart
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