 Members of Yale's women's basketball team pose in the pink uniforms they will wear during their game against UPenn on Feb. 16 as part of their "Think Pink" fundraising effort in support of cancer research. Yale women hockey players will also don pink uniforms Feb. 8 and 9 to promote cancer research.
Pink is the new Yale blue for teams raising funds supporting cancer research
While not sacrificing for a moment their loyalty to Yale blue, two women’s
athletic teams are donning pink this month in support of cancer research.
The Yale women’s hockey team, along with ECAC Hockey and the American Cancer
Society, have teamed for a “Pink at the Rink” program, which begins
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 8 and 9.
The Yale women’s basketball team is also dedicating its 2008 Ivy League
season to raising funds for breast cancer research at the Smilow Cancer Hospital
through a program titled “Think Pink,” which begins on Saturday,
Feb. 16.
“Pink at the Rink”
Members of the women’s hockey team will wear specially designed pink uniforms
for their games against Princeton at 7 p.m. on Feb. 8 and against Quinnipiac
at 4 p.m. on at Ingalls Rink, 73 Sachem St. The jerseys will then be auctioned
to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
For years, the American Cancer Society has joined with national sports associations
to sponsor a “Coaches vs. Cancer” program. This new variation on
that program aims to provide critical outreach while raising funds in support
of the American Cancer Society’s cancer research, education, advocacy and
community service efforts.
All ECAC Hockey women’s teams will wear specially designed pink home jerseys
on two consecutive weekends: Feb. 8-9 and Feb. 15-16 (road uniforms will remain
unchanged). The jerseys will be personalized for each institution and showcase
ECAC Hockey “Coaches vs. Cancer” and ECAC Hockey logo patches.
These game-worn pink jerseys will then be auctioned online from Feb. 8-17 at
a newly created website: www.ecachockeycoachesvscancer.com. A minimum bid of
$150 is sought for each player’s jersey, with a “Buy It Now” feature
on the website that allows a potential buyer to own the jersey of his or her
choice for a flat price of $250. A computer will be set up at Ingalls Rink for
fans wishing to place bids during the games on Feb. 8 and 9.
Players will not be the only ones donning pink. Officials will be wearing pink
arm bands, and Yale coaching staff will wear pink scarves and ties. Hilary Witt,
head coach of Yale women’s hockey, will autograph her game-worn scarf,
which will then be placed on the new website as part of the on-line auction to
raise money for cancer research.
There will be free admission to the Yale women’s hockey games on Feb. 8
and Feb. 9. The Yale Athletics Department encourages all fans attending to donate
to cancer research instead of paying for a ticket, and donations will be accepted
at the entrance to Ingalls Rink.
Yale is having special pink t-shirts made for the event, which will be sold at
Ingalls Rink during the women’s games on Feb. 8 and 9. Proceeds will go
to cancer research. In addition, specialized “Coaches vs. Cancer” rubberized
pink bracelets will be on sale at Ingalls Rink to benefit cancer research.
Former Yale women hockey players are also returning Feb. 8 and 9 for Alumnae
Weekend. They will take part in a special post-game reception and family skate
at Ingalls after the game on Saturday. For further information on Alumnae Weekend,
call (203) 432-1434.
“Think Pink”
Members of the Yale women’s basketball team will also be sporting pink
uniforms when they take on the University of Pennyslvania Quakers on Feb. 16
at 7 p.m. in the John J. Lee Amphitheater of Payne Whitney Gymnasium, 70 Tower
Admission fees for the game will benefit breast cancer research at the Smilow
Cancer Hospital. Tickets are $4 for adults and $2 for non-Yale students age 15
and over. Admission is free for Yale students with a valid I.D., youths age 14
and under, and senior citizens age 65 and over.
The evening will include free “Think Pink” giveaways for the first
200 fans, contests and a raffle. In addition, pink lemonade and pink t-shirts
will be on sale to benefit breast cancer research.
The half-time program will also include a program honoring breast cancer survivors.
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