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In the News X
“People don’t know we have the option of doing things green. They think that in order to have cars, computers and other modern conveniences, we need to generate all kinds
of nasty poisons. Green chemistry is disproving that myth every day. ... A friend
of mine once asked, tongue in cheek, why there’s no green astronomy, no
green geology. The answer is serious: Unlike other science, which seeks to understand
the world as it is, chemistry introduces new things into the world, and because
of that we have the responsibility for the consequences.” §
“Some day soon someone will remind this whole nation that tolerance is
American but secularism is not. That absolute religious freedom is American but
contempt for religion is not. That America is a biblical republic and Americanism
is a biblical religion. And someone will take up that Bible that was lost and
found, and sounds of the Bible will return in full flood to the sullen cracked
dry earth of American public life.” §
“It seems quite clear that, when Osama bin Laden launched the attack against
the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, one of his major objectives, if not his
principal one, was to bring down the regimes in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. … Bin
Laden considered the regimes in both countries too accommodating to the United
States behind their ambiguous language on Islamism. He expected the United States
to put pressure on the [Pakistani President Pervez] Musharraf regime to engage
his homegrown Islamists totally. Bin Laden’s theory was that, if it did
so, Musharraf’s regime would fall.” §
“We define epilepsy as recurrent seizures, and so, technically speaking,
after you have more than one seizure, you have epilepsy. That’s just purely
a definition. ... Epilepsy is, in fact, a childhood disease. More than 80% of
seizures begin in childhood, but it can begin at any age.” §
“Strength and diplomacy have got to go hand in hand. If you try to do diplomacy
without strength, you’ll get nowhere.” §
“The gap between the United States’ governmental expenditures and
income is covered by floating monthly Treasury bonds, and the majority of recent
purchases of these bonds have been made by foreign (especially Asian) treasuries.
No amount of lecturing by free-market economists and bankers will convince me
that a sovereign nation’s growing dependency upon foreign bondholders (each
of them calculating the odds of staying with the dollar, or dumping it) is somehow
a good thing. It is not. But to reduce that dependency means that Americans have
to bite the bullet and close the gap between federal spending and federal income.
That means, unavoidably, taxes — which the White House hates, and the Congress
fears.” §
“[Obese individuals] are more susceptible to things like depression and
self-esteem issues, even suicidal thoughts. When individuals are ostracized because
of their weight, it has a severe impact on them. One study even showed that obese
adolescent girls are half as likely to attend college as their peers with similar
academic performance.” §
“Better surgical tools and techniques, based on groundbreaking research,
are allowing pediatric surgeons to move rapidly toward using minimally invasive
techniques on everything from routine gallbladder operations on school-age children
and teenagers, to rare, complicated and highly specialized operations on tiny
premature babies the day they are born.” §
“After the Holocaust, there was some soul-searching in some European countries,
particularly Germany and some Eastern European countries. But it never really
took place in Western Europe. I think Britain and France underestimate the strength
and embeddedness of anti-Semitism in their culture. Now it’s 60 years later
and anti-Semitism is changing, and there’s no acknowledgement — never
mind analysis — of the severity of it in British society, and among the
intellectuals in particular.” §
“Imagine you are driving a car hungry, rather than on a full stomach after
a huge dinner. Being hungry promotes your awareness of your environment. If you
think about a cheetah — how it picks the prey and pursues it — it
obviously does it when it’s hungry. A hungry animal is much better at responding
to visual and olfactory cues. … It might be beneficial, when you go to
that test or interview, to go with a reasonably empty stomach.”