 This year's World Fellows are, from left: (front row) Nicolas Ducote, Muluemebet Hunegnaw, Penny Low, Claire Chino, Maria Lisitsyna, Duga Titanji; (second row) Mehmet Daimaguler, Sharmila Nebhrajani, Marlene Malahoo Forte, Dong Qian; (third row) Verena Knaus, Huzir Sulaiman, Amit Wanchoo; (fourth row) Ketevan Chkhatarashvili, Denis Mizne, Ashraf Swelam; (back row) Gidon Bromberg and Victor Yuan.
Community invited to meet World Fellows at open house, series
The Yale community will have many opportunities this fall to meet the 2007 World
Fellows and hear their points of view on important global issues.
The 18 World Fellows — who hail from a diverse range of countries — are
spending an intensive semester exploring critical issues through a program of
individualized academic enrichment, a World Fellows Seminar and leadership training.
They have the full resources of Yale at their disposal. By bringing these highly
accomplished men and women to campus, the Yale World Fellows Program seeks to
build a global network of emerging leaders and to broaden international understanding
at the University.
“World Fellows Night”
All of the participants in this year’s program will be on hand during “World
Fellows Night,” beginning at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20, at Betts House,
393 Prospect St. The evening will feature displays by the fellows about their
countries and their professions, as well as food and other fun activities.
The World Fellows will also meet with community members to discuss current events
during the “Hot Coffee, Hot Issues” series, being held 9-10 a.m.
every Friday morning now through Dec. 7 (except Nov. 16 and 23) on the third
floor of Betts House.
In the “Yale World Fellows Thursday Lecture Series,” the participants
will engage in conversation with the Yale community about the challenges and
complexities of their professions. The series will take place 4:30 p.m. Sept.
27-Nov. 4 in the lecture hall of Sterling Memorial Library, 120 High St.
All of the above are free and open to the public.
The 2007 World Fellows are: Gidon Bromberg (Israel), director, Friends of the
Earth Middle East; Mitsuru Chino (Japan), corporate counsel, Itochu Corporation;
Mehmet Daimaguler (Germany and Turkey), regional head, Middle East and Africa;
Dong Qian (China), news anchor, China Central Television; Nicolas Ducote (Argentina),
executive director, Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity
and Growth; Muluemebet Hunegnaw (Ethiopia), deputy director, Africa area, Save
the Children; Maria Lisitsyna (Kyrgyzstan), president, Youth Human Rights Group;
Penny Low (Singapore), member of Parliament; Marlene Malahoo Forte (Jamaica),
judge of the Resident Magistrates’ Courts, Ministry of Justice; Denis Mizne
(Brazil), executive director, Instituto Sou da Paz; Elvira Nabiullina (Russia),
head of the Expert Council on National Projects, Presidential Administration;
Sharmila Nebhrajani (United Kingdom), chief operating officer, BBC Future Media
and Technology; Andriy Shevchenko (Ukraine), member of Parliament; Huzir Sulaiman
(Malaysia), joint artistic director, Checkpoint Theatre, Singapore; Ashraf Swelam
(Egypt), ministerial adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ernest Titanji (Cameroon),
barrister and solicitor, Supreme Court of Cameroon; Amit Wanchoo (India), managing
director, Eaton Laboratories; and Yue Yuan (China), chair, Horizon Research Group.
Profiles on the World Fellows and more information on the Yale program are available
at www.yale.edu/worldfellows.
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