 | The Reverend Joseph H. Britton
Britton reappointed to second term as Berkeley Divinity School dean
The Reverend Joseph H. Britton will serve a second five-year term as dean
of the Berkeley Divinity School (BDS), the Episcopal Church affiliate of Yale
Divinity School (YDS), YDS Dean Harold Attridge has announced.
His second term will begin in 2008.
“During the last four years, Reverend Britton has successfully brought
BDS into a closer working relationship wiah Yale Divinity School; stabilized
the BDS budget; developed new programmatic emphases for the Anglican Colloquy,
the centerpiece of Berkeley’s educational program; supported the important
Annand program of spiritual formation; and laid the foundation for Berkeley’s
participation in our current capital campaign,” said Attridge in announcing
the reappointment.
“During a time of controversy in the Anglican communion, [Britton] has
worked diligently to keep lines of communication open between elements of the
church,” the YDS dean added. “He has sought to position Berkeley
Divinity School to take full advantage of its position in relationship with YDS
and with the wider Yale University community. With his wife Karla, he has overseen
the restoration of the Berkeley Center on St. Ronan Street and developed new
forms of use of the space for the service of the Berkeley community.
“We look forward to five more years of fruitful collaboration with Joe,
his wife Karla and their son Nico, and wish him every success in his role of
continuing leadership of Berkeley,” Attridge concluded.
Berkeley, one of the 11 seminaries of the Episcopal Church, and Yale began their
collaboration in 1971. Under the arrangement, YDS/Berkeley students receive a
degree from YDS and a diploma in Anglican studies from Berkeley recognizing specialized
training in the Anglican tradition.
“Over the last four years, I have become more and more aware of how uniquely
positioned Berkeley Divinity School is as an Episcopal seminary,” says
Britton. “As our collaboration with Yale steadily deepens, our students
have ever greater opportunities to develop their own capacity for pastoral leadership.
I look forward to being part of this extraordinary environment for theological
education at a time which is clearly so positive for both Berkeley and Yale Divinity
Britton has extensive experience in parishes of the Episcopal Church in the United
States and Europe. He served as canon missioner of the Convocation of American
Churches in Europe and was the founding director of the Institute of Christian
Studies. With wide involvement in ecumenical relationships, he has a particular
academic interest in piety as the synthesis of religious faith and practice in
the lives of believing men and women. As an Episcopal Church Foundation Fellow,
he completed a dissertation on “Piety as Participation in the Divine Concern:
The Mystical Realism of A. J. Herschel.” He holds an A.B. from Harvard
University, an M.Div. from The General Theological Seminary and a Th.D. from
the Institut Catholique de Paris.
Britton is associate editor of the Anglican Theological Review and previously
served as a member of the Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations
of the Episcopal Church.
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