 | Dr. Richard Belitsky
Dr. Richard Belitsky is the Harold W. Jockers Associate Professor
Dr. Richard Belitsky, the newly designated Harold W. Jockers Associate Professor
of Medical Education, is noted for his work in medical education at both the
undergraduate (medical student) and graduate (resident) levels.
Named the School of Medicine’s deputy dean for education in 2006, Belitsky
is concerned with curriculum development, particularly with respect to the
methods and challenges involved in teaching medical students in the areas of
patient-centered medical interviewing, the biopsychosocial model, social history
and counseling patients for behavior change. He is also interested in the development
of professional identity in medical education, with emphasis on the impact
of power and authority on the experience and the developing identity of medical
students. In addition, he is interested in the delivery of mental health services
in prisons and jails, with particular attention to suicide in correctional
Belitsky holds a B.A. from the University of Florida, Gainesville, and an M.D.
from the University of Florida School of Medicine (also in Gainesville). He
came to Yale in 1979 as a resident in psychiatry and continued on as a fellow
in forensic psychiatry and chief resident/instructor in the Department of Psychiatry.
He joined the faculty as an assistant professor in 1983, when he also became
unit chief of the Inpatient Services Division of the Connecticut Mental Health
Center. He served as the director of the division 1988-1989. He was director
of adult psychiatry at Elmcrest Psychiatric Institute in Portland, Connecticut,
1989-1991 and was the medical director and director of residency education
at the Yale Psychiatric Institute 1991-1997.
At the School of Medicine, Belitsky has served as the director of graduate
education in the Department of Psychiatry 1996-1997 and as the department’s
director of education 1997-2006. He became the deputy chair for education in
2001, serving in that role until he was promoted deputy dean for education.
He has earned numerous professional honors at Yale, including the Stephen Fleck
M.D. Faculty Award as Exemplary Physician and Teacher, the Charles W. Bohmfalk
Teaching Prize and the Francis Gilman Blake Award (for the member of the faculty
at the School of Medicine designated by the senior class as the most outstanding
teacher of the medical sciences), which he was presented in both 1998 and 2000.
He was also invited to be the Commencement speaker at the Yale medical school
graduation in 2000 and was an invited speaker at the 2007 White Coat Ceremony
for the Class of 2010. His teaching excellence (in both medical student and
resident education) has also been recognized beyond Yale with awards from Smith
College and the American Psychiatric Association.
In addition to professional articles on psychiatric issues, Belitsky has authored
chapters in the books “AIDS and the Law: A Guide for the Public” and “The
Yale Guide to Careers in Medicine and the Health Professions: Pathways to Medicine
in the 21st Century.”
Belitsky has served on numerous University committees. He was a consultant
to the National Prison Project American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Mental
Health Care in the State of Vermont’s Department of Correction and chaired
the Connecticut Psychiatry Society Committee on AIDS, in addition to other
professional engagements.
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