N.B.: The products and services advertised here are in no way endorsed by Yale University.
The deadline for submission of classified ads is 10 days prior to publication. Click here for a complete schedule of upcoming issues.
Forms are available online.
Aquarium: 35-gallon hexagon, incl. light, heater, air stone, fluval filter assembly,
black stand/cabinet & misc. accessories. (203) 469-6683.
Record Albums: Batch of 130 LPs, mostly ’60s & ’70s rock, will
e-mail or fax list. $75. Rita, (203) 432-0975; (203) 265-3263.
Ice Skates: Women’s, almost new, used 3 times, Jackson Softec, blue & gray,
sz. 7, w/skate guards. $30. (203) 284-9683
Miscellaneous: IKEA full-sz. bed frames, $10/ea.; IKEA dining table & 4 chairs,
$80; Sharp fax machine, $14, Canon printer, $5. (203) 288-8315.
Entertainment Center: Sauder model, oak finish, holds turntable, 6 component
shelves, DVD, video tape storage, 27” TV, very good cond. $50 or b/o. (203)
Miscellaneous: Teak high bookcases, 3/$185; teak desk, $175; camelback loveseat,
$50; Chinese motif wool rug, $85. (203) 623-9998.
Furniture: White Italian lacquer dining table w/glass top & 4 matching chairs.
$1,500 or b/o. (203) 484-5184.
Elliptical Machine: Good cond. (203) 782-0004, lv. mssg.
Guitar: Looking for a good used elec. guitar. (203) 432-8708.
’88 Plymouth Colt: 4-spd., 2-dr., low mls. $500 or b/o. (203) 787-4201.
Jeep Wrangler: 57K mls., new tires & battery, passed inspection, CD, 4-speaker
stereo, a/c, ignition lock. $8,500. (718) 644-1064.
’04 Honda Accord: CD, remote mirrors & entry, a/t,, a/c, p/s, p/b,
cloth seats, 39K mls., runs fine. $13,600. (203) 457-9770.
’96 BMW 750IL: 110K mls., loaded, new tires, exc. car. $8,900. Jake, (203)
’98 Nissan Pathfinder: 120K mls., AM/FM/CD, sunroof, new tires, 4WD, exc.
running cond., few minor dents. $3,500. Jake, (203) 619-3640.
’01 VW Jetta: Silver, 5-spd. manual, meticulously maintained. 60K mls,
reliable. $7,800. (203) 535-6737.
’00 Chrysler Cirrus: a/t, leather int., 4-dr., loaded., 47K mls., exc.
$6,995. (203) 668-4746.
Milford: Two rms., single-family home, 15 mins. to campus, close to shopping,
services, beach, etc., short- or long-term. (203) 314-0007.
New Haven: Rm. exchange, lodging near campus for student/faculty in exchange
for comparable situation in Paris for summer ’08. (203) 776-6131.
Hamden: North Lake, fully-furn. 1-BR condo, lakes, woods, pool, porch, no smoking
or pets, avail. April 1. $1,000/mo., utils. incl. wkinnarney@yahoo.com; (203)
Palm Beach: 2-BR oceanfront condo for month of April, pool, tennis, cabana,
exercise rm., doorman bldg. $5,000/mo. (203) 624-6603.
Martha’s Vineyard: Sengekontacket private community, 2-BR townhouse,
1.5 baths., sleeps 6, private deck, prkg., more. $1,300/wk. vicki.eisler@yale.edu;
(203) 432-0109.
Hamden: Summer sublet, spacious, 3-4 BR house, 3 baths., backyard, quiet & safe
neighborhood, avail. July 20-Sept. 15. (203) 230-8976; barbara.olszowa@yale.edu.
New Haven: 3-BR apt., freshly painted, new carpet & washer hook-up, walking
distance to YSN, Metro-North & downtown. $1,200/mo. + utils. (203) 772-3341.
Madison: 2-BR townhouse, 2.5 baths., mint, 1 yr. lease, walk to town & train,
close to I-95, no smokers. $1,700/mo. + utils. & 2 mos. sec. (203) 421-4675.
Milford: Immed. occupancy, near train station, 1.5 baths., 3-BR. $1,300/mo.
(203) 799-2498; info@quikshelter.com.
New Haven: 2-BR apt. in owner-occupied home, modern, new appls., avail. now,
hrdwd. flrs., laundry hook-ups, close to campus. $1,200/mo. Chris (203) 389-7255.
Madison: Sabbatical rental, Sept. ’08-June 30, ’09, furn. 3-BR,
2.5 baths., salt marsh views, close to beach, downtown & train. (203) 245-9454;
New Haven: Alden Ave. area, 1-BR w/study, hrdwd. flrs., quiet country-like
setting, heat, hot water, 10 mins. to campus. (203) 389-9067.
East Rock: Newly renovated lg. 1st flr. 2-BR, huge gourmet kit., expansive
deck, 4 lg. closets, W/D, walk to Yale & downtown. $1,400/mo. (203) 824-0047.
Madison: Cottage in Beach Association, avail. for yr.-round rent Feb. 15, close
to beach, town & train, 2BR, 1 bath., screened porch & deck. (203)
Hamden: Whitney Ave., on busline, 1-BR apt., d/w, w/d, a/c, hrdwd fl., prkg.,
mins. to campus. secure bldg., avail. by April. $850 ($950 furn.)/mo. & 1.5
mo. deposit. (203) 795-0709; (203) 799-7624.
East Rock: Spacious 1-BR, LR, bath., kit., built-in bookshelves, coin-op laundry
in bsmnt., free off-st. prkg., sublet through July w/option to renew lease.
$925/mo. + utils. Katie, (716) 474-1758.
New Haven: Quiet tenant for 5-rm. apt. in owner-occupied home, good refs.,
at least 1-yr. term, no dogs, 3rd flr. $850/mo. + sec. Bill, (203) 687-0424.
East Rock: 2-BR apt. in historical neighborhood, quiet 1st flr., oil heat,
hrdwd. flrs., 2 private decks/veranda. $1,400/mo. (203) 865-5626.
New Haven: Free suite + $300/mo. in exchange for eve. child care, Mon.-Fri.,
20 hrs./wk., starting at 3 p.m., light cleaning, incl. all utils., cable, phone,
use of kit., must have car. (203) 980-2222; kailaw04@yahoo.com.
West Haven: Lakefront w/boating, fishing & swimming, convenient to Yale,
4-BR, 2 baths., 2,178 sq. ft., for sale by owner. $328,900. Vin, (203) 934-5411.
New Haven: Wooster Sq., 2-BR condo in 1880s brownstone. (203) 415-2828.
Hamden: Spring Glen, 3.5-BR Colonial, everything new, incl. maple-granite kit.,
LR, 1st flr. laundry, bsmt. rec. rm., walk to schools. $305,000. (203) 887-9462.
North Haven: Ridge Rd. area, 3-BR ranch, 2 baths., 2-car gar., 1/2 acre, new
kit., possible in-law apt. $389,000. Jen, (203) 288-6808.
Branford: 2-BR home, 2 baths., separate in-law apt., for sale by owner, lg.
lot. Lisa, (914) 960-3112.
New Haven: Female stroke survivor looking for a companion in exchange for free
housing. Suzanne, (203) 453-6170.
New Haven: Luxury, waterfront condo to share, 4 mins. from School of Medicine,
fpl., gourmet kit., private suite/water views, safe underground prkg., utils. & cable
incl. (203) 510-5831.
Daycare: In my Westville home, loving & caring mother of 2 grown boys,
avail. Mon-Thurs., f/t or p/t, refs. avail. Nancy, (203) 397-3080.
Odd Jobs: All aspects of repairs, plumbing, heating, roofing, electrical, floor
refinishing, exc. refs. from Yale community. (203) 288-1282.
Housekeeping: Polish woman looking for cleaning/housekeeping work, live out,
refs. avail. Martha, (203) 906-8299; (203) 906-8298.
Organic Lawn Care: Pesticide free, NOFA certified, all lawn maint. programs
avail., free estimate. Jake, (203) 619-3640.
Massage: Therapeutic massage by licensed certified massage therapist, East
Rock area. (203) 606-0999.
Photographer: Exp. pro. will shoot weddings, portraits, business photos. Harry,
(203) 933-7144.
Child Care: Free room in Hamden home in exchange for child care starting April,
need year commitment. heidihamilto41@hotmail.com.
Study Subjects: Cigarette smokers for brain imaging study, quit smoking for
6 days prior to imaging, up to $1,140 comp. Tracy, (203) 932-5711, ext. 4108.
Study Subjects: Healthy volunteers, ages 18-65, for brain imaging study, approx.
90-120 mins., no blood draws or meds. administered, $40 comp. HIC 0708002993.
Moira, (203) 785-4802.
Study Subjects: Healthy women who overeat, non-smokers, slightly overweight
to overweight, ages 18-45, for study involving taste & smell, $170 comp.
HIC 27690. (203) 562-9901, ext. 210.
Study Subjects: Smokers, ages 18-45, for study involving taste & smell,
$210 comp. HIC 27690. (203) 562-9901, ext. 210.
Nanny: p/t, Mon.-Thurs., beginning in March for 3-mo.-old baby, exp. a plus,
compassion, patience & kindness equally important. (203) 745-4048.
Study Subjects: Participate in 30-min. psychology study (online survey & lab
interaction study), for $10. seunghee.yoo@yale.edu.
Study Subjects: Healthy adults, ages 21-30, for 3-day study involving brain’s
reaction to alcohol, up to $450 comp. HIC 0304025194, HSS22IP. (203) 932-5711,
ext. 5688; arcl@yale.edu.
Study Subjects: Non-smoking healthy individuals, 25+, for 2-3 hr. interview & blood
draw. $75 comp. (203) 781-4655; yari.nunez@yale.edu.
Study Subjects: Females, 18-45, who have repeated bladder infections, for project
using cranberry juice to reduce frequency of infections, free juice & financial
comp. Lauren, (203) 785-7680; lauren.deecheandia@yale.edu.
Study Subjects: Individuals, ages 6-60, w/ bipolar disorder, depression or
ADHD for brain imaging study, up to $110 comp. Susan, (203) 785-7875.
Study Subjects: Healthy volunteers, ages 6-60, for study of genes & brain
imaging, up to $110 comp. Susan, (203)785-7875.
Study Subjects: Individuals bothered by anxiety for genetic research study,
involves confidential interview & blood draw, $75 comp. HSC JG 0003, HIC
5841. (203) 932-5711, ext. 3336.
Study Subjects: Healthy controls for research study, 65+ yrs. old., willing
to have your blood drawn one time, $20 comp. (203) 737-2247.
Study Subjects: Women, ages 18-45, with at least moderate PMS for brain imaging
study, regular menses, up to $2,540 comp. HIC 10098. (203) 764-9935; (203)
Study Subjects: Female smokers, ages 18-50, for brain imaging study, regular
menstrual cycles, not on birth control pill, $435 comp. HIC 11080. (203) 764-9935;
Study Subjects: Female non-smokers, ages 18-50, for brain imaging study, regular
menstrual cycles, not on birth control pill, $435 comp. HIC 11080. (203) 764-9935;
Study Subjects: Male smokers, ages 18-50, for brain imaging study, $435 comp.
HIC 11080. (203) 764-9935; (203) 764-9932; yalewrbh@gmail.com.
Babysitter: Evenings, for 6-yr.-old & 11-yr.-old in New Haven home, Mon.-Fri.,
starting at 3 p.m., $8/hr., 15-20 hrs./wk., must have car. (203) 980-2222;
Taxi Service: Avail. to New Haven, Hamden, greater New Haven, Bradley/Tweed
airports. (203) 745-7900.
Dance Group: Dance like they do in Jane Austen movies, starting a Yale English
country dance group, singles welcome, no dance experience needed. (203) 777-5114.
Computer Tutor: Friendly, on-site assistance, at your pace, 10+ yrs. exp.,
Mac & PC, specialzing in unique software/technology, arts. (203) 668-9725.
Yoga: Private instruction from knowledgable, expertly trained & exp. teacher.
(203) 497-8027.
Egg Donors: In vitro fertilization program seeks egg donors ages 21-33, compensation
$8,000/donation, confidentiality guaranteed. (203) 764-5623.
W E E K ' S

Yale study offers revolutionary view of ecosystem ecology

USA Today honors students for their work ‘beyond the classroom’

Amar and Crothers cited for teaching and scholarship

Yale expert on elections helped to monitor ‘historic’ vote in

Yale-developed artificial cell helps immune system fight cancer

Divinity School professor to head Union Theological Seminary

Lavik lauded for innovation, leadership

Liman Colloquium to examine public interest advocacy . . .

Library staff wins Noah Webster Award for . . .

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