Bulletin Board
Anniversary concert
The University Church will host an anniversary concert at 5 p.m. on April 6 in
Battell Chapel, corner of College and Elm streets.
The event will celebrates “250 years of God’s faithfulness to the
University Church” with a diverse program of music that has been sung and
played throughout the history of the church. The concert will feature organist
Parker Kitterman and the University Church Choir, conducted by Dominick DiOrio.
New works composed by Tom Troeger and Dominick DiOrio for the occasion will also
be performed.
Rusinek memorial run
The ninth annual Julia’s Run for Children will be held on Sunday, April
The event is held to honor the memory of Julia Rusinek, who was a Yale senior
at the time of her death in July 1999. Proceeds will benefit Leadership Education
Athletics in Partnership, which provides academic and social enrichment programs
for children and youth living in high poverty neighborhoods.
The four-mile race will start at 9:30 a.m. The event will begin and end on Cross
Campus. Registration costs $16 in advance and $20 on the day of the run. The
price includes a tee-shirt, a raffle ticket and post-race refreshments. The run
is open to serious racers, recreational joggers and walkers.
For more information or to register, visit the website at www.juliarun.org or e-mail juliarun@gmail.com.
Library launches new website
The University Library has launched a redesigned and improved digital collections
page on its web site.
The new page integrates Web 2.0 technologies such as faceted searching and the
ability to offer different views into rich digital collections from across the
Library system. Such collections include those at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript
Library, Lewis Walpole Library, Manuscripts and Archives, Visual Resources Collection,
and the Arts of the Book Collection. Basic and advanced searching are available,
as is the ability to search for digital objects by medium, topic or repository.
The new page is linked on the library web site, www.library.yale.edu, from the “Digital
Collections” link under the heading “Libraries and Collections.” User
feedback and comments are welcome and may be sent to libweb@www.library.yale.edu.
Reviews for potential art majors
Reviews for sophomores who are interested in becoming art majors will be held
next month.
The reviews will be conducted 1-6 p.m on Tuesday, April 8, and 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
on Wednesday, April 9. They will be held in Rm. 210 at the School of Art, Green
Hall, 1156 Chapel St. Interested students should sign up in Rm. 122 of the School
of Art building, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
For more information, call Nancy Keramas at (203) 432-2608.
Museum bus trip
Members of the Yale Art Museums will host a bus trip next month to two college
teaching museums in the center of the cultural region of the Berkshires in Western
The trip to Mount Holyoke College Art Museum and Brown Fine Arts Center at the
Smith College Museum of Art will take place 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
April 16.
The day will begin with a visit to the Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, one
of the oldest teaching museums in the country. The day will continue with a private
tour of the Brown Fine Arts Center, featuring highlights of the collection.
The fee for admission and private tours, lunch, transportation, parking and gratuities
is $100 for members; $150 for non-members. To register for the trip, call (203)
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Emissions cuts could actually aid economy . . .

 Trudeau to be honored for raising awareness of veterans’ issues

 Saturday series returns to remind ‘kids of all ages’ that . . .

 Concert honors ‘Black National Anthem’ composer

 RNA molecule found to suppress lung cancer tumors in mice

 Grant to Yale Cancer Center will promote clinical trials . . .

 Conference pays tribute to Brazilian statesman and author . . .

 Exhibition features Haggadah illustrations by modern artists

 New exhibition space hosts show exploring themes of loss, renewal

 ‘SCLAVI’ tells tale of emigrant’s search for his place in
the world

 ‘Religion and the Big Bang’ is the theme of Shulman

 ‘Faith and Fundamentalism’ is focus of three-part Terry Lectures

 ‘Visual Exegesis’ features artistic interpretations of biblical

 The relationship between photography, history and memory . . .

 ‘Middle Passage Conversations’ will bring scholars together . . .

 Conference to explore benefits of alternative, complementary therapies

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