‘Middle Passage Conversations’ will bring scholars together to discuss black religiosity
An interdisciplinary conference titled “Middle Passage Conversations
on Black Religion in the African Diaspora” will be held at Yale Thursday-Saturday,
April 3-5.
The conference will feature some 40 leading scholars from across the country
who will engage in eight moderated panels to explore the ways in which they
understand black religiosity in their work.
Among those scheduled to speak are Cornel West of Princeton; M. Shawn Copeland
of Boston College; Dwight N. Hopkins of the University of Chicago Divinity
School; Renita Weems, described by Ebony magazine as one of America’s
top preachers; and Faith Ringgold, painter, writer, sculptor and performance
The conference is being organized by Emilie M. Townes, the Andrew W. Mellon
Professor of African American Religion and Theology at Yale Divinity School
and current president of the American Academy of Religion.
The conference is being held in four venues: Yale Divinity School, the Whitney
Humanities Center, the Saint Thomas More Center and the Afro-American Cultural
All evening sessions are free and open the
public, including the opening plenary with Faith Ringgold at 6 p.m. on April
3 in Marquand Chapel at Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect St.; a gallery talk
with artist Robert Steele at 6 p.m. on April 4 in the Great Hall at the Institute
of Sacred Music, 409 Prospect St.; and the play “Living Water” at
8 p.m. on April 5 at the Afro-American Cultural Center, 211 Park St.
Further information is available online at www.yale.edu/divinity/middlepassage.
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