Conference to explore benefits of
alternative, complementary therapies
Therapeutic touch, Reiki, acupuncture, hypnosis and the clinical use of botanicals
are among the therapies that will be explored during Yale’s first conference
on integrative medicine, which takes place on Wednesday, April 2.
The event will be held at the Anlyan Center, 300 Cedar St. Continuing medical
education (CME) credit will be offered to physicians who attend, and Continuing
Education Units (CEUs) will be available for nurses and other eligible practitioners.
The conference is sponsored by Integrative Medicine @ Yale and the Yale Medical
Office of Education. Integrative Medicine @ Yale was established in February
2007 by an interdisciplinary group of Yale faculty and students in response
to the growing interest among many members of the community in addressing the
potential efficacy of complementary therapies, as well as a belief in the importance
of open-minded research into those therapies and in an integrative healthcare
system that combines the best of evidence-based therapeutics. Research into
the therapeutic benefits of such alternative and complementary therapies has
been initiated at several departments at Yale.
The conference will explore the benefits of and recent scientific evidence
supporting a wide range of complementary treatments, including acupuncture,
massage, yoga, meditation, nutrition and exercise. It will also address how
complementary therapies are used as part of an integrative approach to treat
and prevent acute and chronic illness. Conference participants will identify
and discuss barriers to the use of complementary and alternative medicine and
ways to overcome those barriers; identify areas and opportunities for future
research, mentorship and collaboration; and establish a community of like-minded
students, practitioners and researchers from a variety of disciplines.
Registration will begin at 7 a.m. Yale School of Medicine Dean Dr. Richard
Belitsky will welcome participants at 8 a.m. The conference will conclude at
5 p.m.
Registration is $125 for physicians; $100 for nurses and allied health professionals;
$75 for non-Yale residents, fellows and poster presenters; and $50 for non-Yale
students. Yale residents, fellows and students are admitted free, but must
send a letter of verification from their department head, along with their
registration, to the Yale Center for Continuing Medical Education, P.O. Box
7619, New Haven, CT 06519, prior to the conference, or present it at the registration desk. For further information, send an e-mail to
or call (203) 785-4578.
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Conference to explore benefits of alternative, complementary therapies

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