Grant to Yale Cancer Center will promote clinical trials throughout Connecticut
The Connecticut Department of Public Health and the Connecticut Cancer Partnership
have awarded Yale Cancer Center a $745,288 grant to launch a statewide clinical
trials network to promote innovative cancer research.
The grant is for both the development of the network and creation of the necessary
supportive infrastructure to sustain the network on behalf of the state’s
clinical researchers.
“Cancer care in our state will be considerably strengthened by the partnerships
created by the new network, and cancer patients throughout the state will have
improved access to the cutting edge therapies offered by clinical trials,” says
Dr. Edward Chu, deputy director and chief of medical oncology at Yale Cancer
The statewide network will seek to remove existing barriers to clinical trials,
promote public education and trial participation, and allow greater access
to innovative cancer therapies. A major component of the proposal is to provide
pilot funding for supporting investigator-initiated research and capacity building
to do cancer clinical trials throughout the state. Approximately 44% of the
clinical trial network award is committed to the pilot grants program.
The new collaborations will be developed through network partners including
Connecticut hospitals and community cancer centers, educational institutions,
private oncology practices, advocacy groups, and the pharmaceutical and insurance
industry. The infrastructure to support the network will be developed through
the Yale Cancer Center, which will provide the coordination needed for the
clinical trial and education collaborations to advance through community partnerships.
Kevin Kelly, director of Clinical Research Services at Yale Cancer Center and
associate professor of medicine, says: “The grants will promote clinical
trials and will ultimately help to provide improved cancer care and education
to patients across the state. This is a great step forward for cancer research
and cancer care for the entire state.
“This also will allow us to reach a new level of partnership and collaboration,” adds
Kelly. “The application itself was a collaborative effort with support
from hospitals, private practices, advocacy groups and industry all committed
to promoting cancer research for Connecticut.”
The network’s pilot program will also benefit from joint funding by Yale
Cancer Center and the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI). Recently
established to specifically support and facilitate clinical and translational
research, the YCCI serves as the operational home of the Yale Clinical and
Translational Science Award, which is aimed at reducing the growing barriers
between clinical and basic research, along with the ever-increasing complexities
involved in conducting clinical research.
Yale Cancer Center is one of a select network of 39 comprehensive cancer centers
in the country designated by the National Cancer Institute and the only one
in southern New England. The center harnesses the scientific resources of Yale
School of Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital and Yale University. Led by Dr.
Richard Edelson, a leader in cancer immunotherapy, Yale Cancer Center focuses
on translational research, an approach through which laboratory discoveries
are quickly and efficiently integrated with clinical patient care. For more
information visit
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