Yale to be site of Conference of Governors Governors from across the United States will meet at Yale on Thursday and Friday, April 17 and 18, to review state-level programs to combat global climate change and to develop a strategy for future action. READ STORY
Noted legal writer named journalist-in-residence at Law School
Individuals from five continents to discuss ways to improve international health
and development
Leader of Stonyfield Farm organic yogurt company to discuss ‘How To Make Money and Save the World’
Studies probe method to curb Parkinson’s disease and causes of infertility
Renowned pianist’s 60th birthday to be feted with events
Three Yale alumni journalists to discuss their experiences
Event honors the literary legacy of poet Elizabeth Bishop
Scholars to discuss art world of 1920s
Yale undergraduates are honored with Van Sinderen Book Collecting Prizes
Memorial service planned for H. Bradford Westerfield
Ami Klin, shown here enjoying a playful moment with a young visitor to the Yale Child Study Center, is a world-renowned expert on developmental disorders and head of the Autism Program.
Unite for Sight, a group founded by a Yale student, is holding an International Health Conference. |