Bulletin Board
Fundraiser for soup kitchen
The Yale Belly Dance Society will hold its fifth anniversary gala dance show
and charity fundraiser on Thursday and Friday, April 10 and 11, at 9 p.m., and
on Saturday, April 12, at 7 p.m.
All proceeds from the shows will benefit New Haven’s Downtown Evening Soup
Kitchen. Shows will be held at the Off-Broadway Theater, 41 Broadway. Tickets
are $5 each.
For reservations, e-mail yalebellydance@gmail.com, starting April 6. Specify the number of tickets and date desired.
For more information, visit www.yale.edu/bellydance.
Lecture series on cancer
Yale-New Haven Hospital and the Yale Cancer Center will present a health talk, “Treatment
Options for Primary Brain Cancer,” on Wednesday, April 9, in the hospital’s
East Pavilion cafeteria.
The lecture is part of the ongoing “Understanding Cancer” lecture
series for patients and families living with cancer.
Dr. Jill Lacy, associate professor of medical oncology, and Dr. Jonathan Knisely,
associate professor of therapeutic radiology, both members of the Yale Cancer
Center Brain Tumor Program, will present the latest information on primary brain
cancer. At the end of the presentation, guests will have time to ask questions.
A light supper will be served at 6 p.m.; the lecture will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The event is free and validated parking is available. To make reservations and
for more information, call (203) 688-2000.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Yale to be site of Conference of Governors

 Football coach to visit U.S. bases in Middle East

 Communiversity Day celebration to be held April 12

 In Focus: Yale Child Study Center

 Noted legal writer named journalist-in-residence at Law School

 Weight bias is as common as racial discrimination, says study

 Individuals from five continents to discuss ways to improve . . .

 Leader of Stonyfield Farm organic yogurt company to discuss . . .

 Studies probe method to curb Parkinson’s disease . . .

 Renowned pianist’s 60th birthday to be feted with events

 Three Yale alumni journalists to discuss their experiences

 Event honors the literary legacy of poet Elizabeth Bishop

 Scholars to discuss art world of 1920s

 Yale undergraduates are honored with Van Sinderen . . . Prizes

 Memorial service planned for H. Bradford Westerfield

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