 | This image of a grain elevator is among the 300 photographic prints by local photographer David Ottenstein '82 that have been acquired by the Beinecke.
Library acquires alumnus’ images of a changing Iowa
Images by New Haven photographer and Yale alumnus David Ottenstein will soon
be part of the Yale Collection of Western Americana at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript
The 300 exhibition-quality prints that are being purchased by the Beinecke
Library depict the architectural landscape of rural Iowa — of places
where, in the photographer’s words, “the built environment meets
the natural landscape.”
Ottenstein’s photographs are part of a project that he began four years
ago to document the dramatic, ongoing transformation of the Iowa countryside,
in which industrial farmsteads consisting of thousands of acres are replacing
traditional family farms of a few hundred acres.
As agri-businesses accumulate large tracts of land and operate from centralized
bases with larger, highly efficient modern machinery, the photographer observes, “traditional
farmhouses, barns, silos, corncribs, sheds and other farm buildings that populated
the Iowa landscape are left empty. Structures are disappearing gradually but
steadily as vandals and nature take their incessant toll.” The simultaneous
proliferation of discount retail giants has transformed the state’s small
towns, where family-owned stores once dominated main streets, he notes.
George Miles, curator of the Yale Collection of Western Americana, observes “Mr.
Ottenstein combines aesthetic and documentary impulses in ways reminiscent
of Walker Evans, Margaret Bourke-White and other American photographers of
the 1930s, but with a contemporary sensibility that avoids sentimentality.
The camera and photography are, for him, a means of exploring, organizing and
finding meaning in the world.”
Ottenstein graduated from Yale College in 1982. His senior project, a photographic
study of New Haven harbor with a text on the history of the city and the harbor,
was awarded the annual prize for best undergraduate essay in American studies.
A long-time resident of New Haven’s Beaver Hills neighborhood, Ottenstein
has run an independent photographic studio for over a quarter of a century,
specializing in architectural photography. Over the last decade he has explored
the way that nature has begun to reclaim part of New England’s industrial
landscape, a project that has allowed him to “explore issues of beauty
amidst decay.”
He works predominantly with a 4 x 5 camera and traditional black and white
photographic film, but has recently begun to create his prints digitally from
scanned photographic negatives.
Ottenstein’s photographs have received awards at numerous juried shows
and been the subject of solo exhibitions throughout Connecticut. His collaboration
with The Center for Prairie Studies at Grinnell College, “Photographs
of Iowa: The Vanishing Architectural Landscape of the Midwest,” has been
awarded a grant by the Iowa Arts Council. His Iowa images have been exhibited
at the Olsen Larsen Galleries in West Des Moines, Iowa, and a selection of
images from the project can be seen at Ottenstein’s website: www.davidottenstein.com.
At the Beinecke Library, Ottenstein’s photographs join a renowned collection of books, manuscripts and photographs concerning
the history of the American West, including extensive photographic collections
by 19th-century American photographers Carleton Watkins, Timothy O’Sullivan
and William Henry Jackson, and 20th-century photographers including David Plowden,
Carl Mydans, Eve Arnold, Robert Giard and Miguel Gandert.
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