Conference to explore psychosocial and
physical dimensions of cancer survivorship
“Psycho-Oncology,” Yale’s second annual cancer survivorship
conference, will be held Tuesday-Wednesday, May 20-21, at the Anlyan Center,
300 Cedar St.
The workshop, which will focus on the psychosocial and physical dimensions
of cancer survivorship, is aimed at physicians, nurses, social workers and
other interested health care professionals.
The program will feature Dr. Jimmie C. Holland, who has been central to the
establishment of psycho-oncology as a medical sub-specialty that integrates
the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer treatment and
survivorship. Holland is chair of psychiatric oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center in New York.
The conference will include lectures, case studies and panel discussions and
will provide an opportunity for question-and-answer sessions.
Participants will discover how to identify family problems resulting from cancer
and to make appropriate treatment recommendations and referrals. Among other
activities, they will learn to describe the diagnosis and treatment of depression
in cancer survivors, as well as the management of pain and other symptoms — including
cognitive dysfunction — in cancer survivors.
The event is co-sponsored by Yale Cancer Center, the Connecticut Challenge
Survivorship Clinic, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Connecticut Hospice Inc., the
Southwestern Connecticut Oncology Nursing Society and the Connecticut Oncology
Workshops will be held on both days 8:45 a.m.-5 p.m. Continuing education credits
will be available. The registration deadline is May 16. The registration fee
is $50 for one day or $95 for both days, and includes food and program material.
To register, call (203) 785-CARE or send e-mail to Hilarie Carrieri at hilarie.carrieri@yale.edu with your name, title, address and phone number.
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