 | Dr. Richard L. Edelson
Dr. Richard Edelson is the first Lerner Professor of Dermatology
Dr. Richard L. Edelson, who has been named the inaugural Aaron B. and Marguerite
Lerner Professor of Dermatology, is director of the Yale Cancer Center and
an internationally acclaimed researcher with a special interest in the treatment
and fundamental investigation of T-cell lymphomas.
Edelson has made fundamental contributions to the study of Cutaneous T-Cell
Lymphoma (CTCL), a disease caused by malignant T lymphocytes that affects the
skin. He identified and characterized this cancer, and his research group has
played a central role in deciphering the basic biologic properties of CTCL
cells, in delineating the pathogenesis of the malignancy, and in developing
effective therapies for it.
He and his research team were the first to successfully use anti-T-cell antibodies
in the treatment of a lymphoma and have demonstrated that CTCL is an antigen-driven
Along with his research team, Edelson devised and implemented the first FDA-approved
selective immunotherapy for any cancer, a treatment now referred to as transimmunization.
This treatment has been administered worldwide to patients with CTCL and has
proven to be a safe and clinically effective cellular “vaccine” for
CTCL patients.
Since 2003, Edelson has been director of the Yale Cancer Center, one of only
39 comprehensive cancer centers in the United States, and the only one in southern
New England. There, he has worked to expand its clinical services, strengthen
its finances and raise its visibility in the medical community. He played an
important role in the establishment of the Smilow Cancer Center Hospital, a
patient care facility that, when completed, will combine the resources of the
Yale Cancer Center and Yale-New Haven Hospital. Edelson announced in January
that he would step down as the center’s director once a successor is
named to return to full-time research and the chairmanship of the medical school’s
Department of Dermatology.
Edelson holds a B.S. from Hamilton College in New York and an M.D. from the
Yale School of Medicine. Before coming to Yale in 1986, he was head of the
Immunobiology Group in Columbia University’s Comprehensive Cancer Center
and associate director of that institution’s General Clinical Research
While at Yale, he has served at various times as deputy dean for clinical affairs,
director of the Cancer Center’s Lymphoma Research Program, and a member
of both the Yale-New Haven Hospital Board of Trustees and the Yale Medical
Group Board of Governors. He is a member of the American Society for Clinical
Investigation and the Association of American Physicians, and an honorary member
of several international medical associations.
The new professorship is named in honor of Aaron B. Lerner, the founder of
Yale’s Department of Dermatology, and his wife, Marguerite R. Lerner,
who was also a renowned dermatology researcher and children’s book author.
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