Mathematician Peter Jones named to National Academy of Sciences
Peter W. Jones, the James E. English Professor of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics,
was elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in honor of his outstanding
and continuing contributions in original research.
He is among the 72 new members and 18 foreign associates elected to the NAS this
Jones, a member of the Yale faculty since 1985, was honored for his work in the
area of harmonic analysis, an area of pure math designed to identify and simplify
patterns in functions. His career has meshed the pure math of this discipline
with the applied mathematics of Fourier analysis and the applications of math
to the current information overload in many branches of
the sciences.
While continuing his work in pure mathematics, he also uses methods drawn from
analysis and probability theory to address problems like how Google performs
a search — how the “library” of information is organized and
layered so that a user can access it. He works with a large group at Yale that
focuses on the value of math in biology and medicine for creating models from
the data itself, noting that researchers are “drowning in tons of data
and they cannot always be sure of what they are looking for in it.”
In addition to his research, Jones has been vitally involved in setting science
policy for mathematics and strengthening interdisciplinary math applications.
Since its inception in 1999, he has served as the chair of the Science Advisory
Board at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, which was created and
funded by the National Science Foundation. In that post, he has helped shape
the role of math
in interdisciplinary programs, influencing funding for new investigators and
affect the leadership of programs.
He has also served on the boards of several research institutes, and directed
numerous research programs and workshops worldwide aimed at effective integration
of math into interdisciplinary agendas. Among these was a 2001-2002 program at
the Institut Mittag-Leffler in Sweden.
Jones’ other honors include the Salem Prize in 1981, an award given annually
to a young mathematician who has done outstanding work in the theory of Fourier
series. He is also a Sloan Fellow, a foreign member of the Swedish Academy of
Science and a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
Fellows and foreign honorary members of the National Academy of Sciences are
nominated and elected by current members, who hail from disciplines ranging from
mathematics and physics to biological sciences, social sciences, humanities and
the arts to public affairs and business. These experts serve pro bono to address
critical national issues and give advice to the federal government and the public.
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