Symposium to examine the
intersection of faith and politics
At a time when presidential candidates nd political commentators are talking more openly about religion, the Yale Forum
on Faith and Politics will be hosting a major symposium on religion and politics
at Yale Divinity School.
Titled “Voices & Votes II: Shaping a New Moral Agenda,” the symposium
will take place 2-6:45 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 12, in Marquand Chapel, 409 Prospect
The event will feature leading scholars, clergy, politicians and writers from
across the country speaking about some of the most pressing issues facing the
nation. Central to the symposium is exploration of growing convergence on these
issues among divergent faith groups.
The symposium is co-sponsored by the Yale Center for Faith and Culture and three
religious magazines: Sojourners, Christianity Today and The Christian Century.
The symposium will feature three panels, which are free and open to the public.
The first, at 2 p.m., will feature Jim Wallis of Sojourners, Serene Jones of
Yale Divinity School and others speaking on the topic “Rethinking Theological
Foundations for Political Engagement.”
The second panel, at 3:30 p.m., will explore the subject “Religious People,
Secular Nation: Toward a New Wall of Separation?” It will include Rabbi
David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center; Ralph Reed, founding
director of the Christian Coalition; and Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise
The final panel, at 5 p.m., is titled “Getting Down to Business: Shaping
the New Moral Agenda”; it will feature, among others, Bob Abernethy of
Religion & Ethics Newsweekly; Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention’s
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; and D. Michael Lindsay, author of “Faith
in the Halls of Power.”
The Yale Forum on Faith and Politics is an interdisciplinary, non-partisan and
ecumenical group of students who discuss the intersection of faith and politics
in contemporary society. It sponsors weekly discussions, scholarly roundtables
and major conferences.
For a full schedule, visit Panel presentations will be webcast
live at
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