Three members of faculty elected
to Institute of Medicine
Three Yale School of Medicine faculty —Dr. Robert J. Alpern, dean of
the school, and Dr. Harlan M. Krumholz and Dr. Mary F. Tinetti — have
been elected to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of
Members are elected to the IOM in recognition of their major contributions to
the advancement of the medical sciences, health care and public health. Election
is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of medicine and health.
Alpern, appointed dean of the medical school and the Ensign Professor of Medicine
in June 2004, is a noted nephrologist whose research has focused on the regulation
of kidney transport proteins. His early work helped to define the mechanisms
by which kidney cells sense excess acid and initiate a signaling cascade that
alters the expression, cellular location and function of many proteins in the
cell, resulting in enhanced acid transport and urinary excretion. Prior to coming
to Yale, Alpern was dean of the University of Texas Southwestern School of Medicine.
Krumholz, the Harold H. Hines Jr. Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and professor
of epidemiology and public health and investigative medicine, is director of
the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program. He is noted for research aimed
at determining optimal clinical strategies and identifying opportunities for
improvement in the prevention, treatment and outcome of cardiovascular disease.
Krumholz’s research has improved the ability of the health care system
to provide high-quality, high-value care, with particular emphasis on vulnerable
populations. His research group has pioneered innovative approaches to identifying
key success strategies for top-performing health care organizations and translating
the knowledge into practice.
Tinetti, the Gladys Phillips Crowfoot Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics) and
professor of epidemiology and public health and investigative medicine, is director
of the Yale Program on Aging. She was the first researcher to find that it was
possible to identify older persons at risk for falling and injury; that falls
and injuries were associated with a range of more serious consequences; and that
risk-reduction strategies were effective and cost effective. Her recent work
focuses on the effect of multiple diseases on health outcomes and on appropriate
decision-making in the face of multiple competing diseases. She has been the
director of the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Yale
since 1992.
The IOM is unique for its role as both an honorific membership organization and
an advisory organization. Established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences,
the IOM has become recognized as a national resource for independent, scientifically
informed analysis and recommendations on human health issues. Members make a
commitment to devote a significant amount of volunteer time as members of IOM
committees, which engage in a broad range of studies on health policy issues.
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