Four students were awarded prizes for superior academic work this year.
Yale College Dean Richard H. Brodhead presented the honors during Senior Class Day exercises on May 23. The award-winning students carried special banners during the Commencement procession. Their award citations follow.
Jeremy Charles Marwell
The Warren Memorial
The Alpheus Henry Snow Prize
The Warren Memorial High Scholarship Prize is awarded annually to that Senior in Yale College majoring in the humanities who ranks highest in scholarship. The Alpheus Henry Snow Prize is awarded to that "senior who, through the combination of intellectual achievement, character and personality, shall be adjudged by the faculty to have done the most for Yale by inspiring in his or her classmates an admiration and love for the best traditions of high scholarship." This year, both the Warren and the Snow Prizes are awarded to Jeremy Charles Marwell of Morse College.
Jeremy Charles Marwell graduates summa cum laude with Distinction in his two majors, Chemistry and History. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa in his senior year, he has received seven grades of A- and 33 grades of straight A.
In his career at Yale, Mr. Marwell has emerged as a gifted musician, a respected leader and a brilliant scholar. The range of abilities which is evidenced by his achievements in fields as different as Chemistry and History is seen also in his activities outside the classroom and the laboratory: He is a founding member of the Yale Undergraduate Outdoors Organization and a co-founder of the saxophone quartet Elision. A gifted alto saxophone player, he has sung with the Duke's Men and in the chamber recital chorus Nova et Antiqua. As a freshman counselor, he brought his uncommon enthusiasm and sensitivity to work for the common good of all the Morsels of 2002. His master and his dean extol him as a keen listener, a sensitive leader and a tireless builder of community.
Mr. Marwell has amassed an academic record that is impressive beyond any mere statistical summary. One of his Physics instructors speaks of his "superb performance at every stage" while one of his History instructors remarked that in a mock trial exercise he "moved his fellow classmates to the point of tears with a brilliant and provocative speech." As a scientist and a historian, Mr. Marwell is especially interested in the impact ideologies have on scientific thought. He will continue his studies at Cambridge University next year on a Mellon Fellowship.
Mr. Marwell combines exceptional character with an intellect that is both intensive and extensive. For his outstanding achievements and his extraordinary abilities, Yale College takes great pleasure in conferring both the Warren Memorial High Scholarship Prize and the Alpheus Henry Snow Prize upon Jeremy Charles Marwell.
Kevin Lee
The Arthur Twining
The Arthur Twining Hadley Prize, which honors the memory of the man who served as President of Yale from 1899 to 1921, is awarded annually to the Senior in Yale College majoring in the social sciences who ranks highest in scholarship. This year the award goes to Kevin Lee of Branford College.
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa at the beginning of his senior year, Kevin Lee completed his degree last fall after seven terms of enrollment. Having carried Herculean course loads, he now graduates summa cum laude, with eight grades of A- and 30 grades of straight A. Not surprisingly, he has earned Distinction in both his majors, Psychology and Philosophy.
In his study of the mind, Mr. Lee has had special success in experimental psycholinguistics. Perhaps it is no coincidence that he possesses a working knowledge, and in some cases better, of French, Spanish, Korean and Mandarin Chinese.
Mr. Lee also types 130 words per minute, a skill which, along with his proficiency in computer languages, operating systems, applications and web technologies, has helped him excel in the series of jobs he has held while studying at Yale: a database manager for the Jewish Home for the Aged, on the Avalon Project proofreading electronically imported versions of the Nuremberg Trials, and as webmaster for Yale's own Trademark Licensing Program.
We are grateful for the effort Kevin Lee has made to uphold Yale's tradition of excellence, and proud to bestow on him the Arthur Twining Hadley Prize for 1999.
Anne Fraser Lightbody
The Russell Henry
The Russell Henry Chittenden Prize is awarded annually to that Senior in Yale College majoring in the natural sciences or in mathematics who ranks highest in scholarship. This year, the award goes to Anne Fraser Lightbody of Jonathan Edwards College.
Anne Fraser Lightbody graduates summa cum laude, with Distinction in her major, earning simultaneously a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in Biology. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa at the beginning of her senior year, Ms. Lightbody has completed 43 credits at Yale, with two grades of A- and 40 grades of straight A.
Ms. Lightbody has excelled in all her diverse endeavors while at Yale: from Directed Studies to Chinese language study, from serving as a Freshman Counselor to leading the Yale Woman's Ultimate Frisbee team. She has complemented her own research in conventional and organic farms in the state of Connecticut with designing and teaching science and ecology courses for public schools in New Haven. Her comprehensive interest in the environment led her to become a member of the Yale College Bioethics Society and the Yale Student Environmental Coalition.
In recognition of her remarkable academic record and in celebration of her many talents, Yale College is proud to bestow the Russell Henry Chittenden Prize this year upon Anne Fraser Lightbody.
Jason Alexander Freeman
The Louis Sudler Prize
The Louis Sudler Prize for Excellence in the Arts is awarded this year to Jason Alexander Freeman of Berkeley College for outstanding accomplishment in the area of music performance and composition.
Jason Alexander Freeman has made significant contributions to the aesthetic fabric of the Yale community through the excellence of his saxophone performances and the superb quality of his musical compositions. In his quest for new modes of musical expression, he has struck a balance between the incommensurable aesthetics of high modernism and that of post modernism, and has done so with remarkable fluency and great technical virtuosity. His compositions and performances reflect his intellect and his sense of humor, his interest in formal systems and his commitment to creative interdisciplinary collaborations. In his four years at Yale, he has amassed a substantial body of work that is as distinguished for its variety as for the quality of its content.
For his artistic achievements in the area of music, Yale College is proud to award the Louis Sudler Prize for Excellence in the Arts to Jason Alexander Freeman.
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