CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT JUNIOR FELLOWS PROGRAM. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has awarded a year-long internship to Ariel Adesnik '99 of Trumbull College.
DOROT FOUNDATION TRAVEL GRANTS. Dorot Travel Grants supporting academic summer programs in Israel have been awarded to: Miriam Alkon '00 of Pierson College, Syeeda Amin '01 of Jonathan Edwards College, Rachel Dinerstein '01 of Branford College, Rebecca Ingber '00 of Davenport College '00, Alisa Kaplan '00 of Berkeley College, Juliana Ochs '01 of Jonathan Edwards College, Sarah Parcak '01 of Timothy Dwight College, Rachel Pasternak '01 of Morse College, Shayna Silverstein '00 of Pierson College, and Julie Weise '00 of Saybrook College.
FULBRIGHT GRANTS. Fourteen seniors will study, do research or teach abroad as winners of Fulbright Grants. The students and their projects are: Peter Blenkinsop of Jonathan Edwards College, to pursue environmental studies in Japan; Julia Bowsher of Calhoun College, to study ecology in New Zealand; Sarah Bray of Branford College, to study medical anthropology in Peru; Aliza Dzik of Silliman College, to study modern Hebrew literature in Israel; Prem Krishnamurthy of Timothy Dwight College, to study art history in Germany; William Lin of Silliman College, to conduct historical research in Hong Kong; Joshua Olsen of Branford College, to study geography in the United Kingdom; Joanna Pozen of Trumbull College, to study European history in Spain; David Steib of Pierson College, to study the interpretation and translation of dramatic texts in Spain; I-Hui Wu of Berkeley College, to study public health in the United Kingdom; and Aaron Wunsch of Davenport College, to study piano in Austria. Teaching assistantships have been awarded to Christine Michalopoulos of Trumbull College and to Rosa Walker of Davenport College for France; and to Pierre Minn of Branford College for Korea.
GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIPS. Two students have been selected winners of Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships, merit-based awards supporting one or two years of study for American undergraduates with demonstrated interest in and potential for careers in the natural sciences and mathematics: Vairavan Subramanian '01 and Sherry Tsai '00, both of Saybrook College.
GOVERNMENT SERVICE FELLOWSHIPS. Recipients of this year's John Heinz Government Service Fellowships, which support a summer internship in federal, state or local government, are Mishaela Duran '01 of Branford College and Bailey Hand '00 of Morse College.
HENRY FELLOWSHIP. Joshua Panas '99 of Timothy Dwight College will study political thought and intellectual history at the University of Cambridge next year as a winner of a Henry Fellowship. One Yale student is selected annually to participate in the exchange program between Harvard and Yale universities and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.
HOWLAND FELLOWSHIP. Three students are winners of the Charles P. Howland (1891) Fellowship, which supports study or research abroad for a senior who demonstrates "promise of useful activity to improve international relations." Michael Kleinman '99 of Timothy Dwight College will conduct research on Arab-Israeli relations and work at the Arab Association of Human Rights in Nazareth, Israel; Kalyanee Mam '99 of Morse College will conduct research on crimes committed against women during the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia; and Matthew Wolf '99 of Davenport College will conduct research on the economic, political, and social impact of dollarization in Argentina.
PARKER HUANG TRAVEL FELLOWSHIPS. Four students were awarded Parker Huang Undergraduate Travel Fellowships. Established by the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, the fellowship program supports study and travel in the non-English-speaking countries of Asia and Africa. The award recipients are Felix Chang '99 of Berkeley College, to pursue research on literary traditions in China; Cindy Huang '99 of Silliman College, to conduct research on the role of women's rights and to pursue Urdu language studies in Pakistan; Van Tang '99 of Trumbull College, to conduct research on poetic expression in Vietnam; and Ian Washburn '01 of Pierson College, to study modern and classical Chinese in Beijing, China.
KEASBEY SCHOLARSHIPS. Keasbey Scholarships, which support two years of study in the United Kingdom, were awarded to Donna Chung '99 of Jonathan Edwards College and Caroline Trowbridge '99 of Berkeley College, both of whom will study at Oxford.
LIGHT FELLOWSHIPS. Funded by the Richard U. Light Foundation of Kalamazoo, Michigan, the Richard U. Light Fellowships at Yale support language study at approved sites in East Asia for a summer term or an academic year. This year's summer-term fellowship winners and the countries where they will study are: Denise Ho '00 of Branford College, China; Stuart Orsak '00 of Trumbull College, China; Daphna Renan '00 of Morse College, China; Steven Shafer '01 of Pierson College, China; Noel Sugimura '01 of Morse College, China; John Taylor '00 of Davenport College, China; Benjamin Case '00 of Morse College, Japan; Lindsey Ricker '00 of Saybrook College, Japan; Elizabeth Woyke '00 of Morse College, Korea; and C. Matthew Towns '00 of Berkeley College, Taiwan. Term or academic year fellowship recipients are: Victoria Chiu '01 of Saybrook College, China; Terry Giang '01 of Trumbull College, Japan; Tanya Lee '00 of Ezra Stiles College, Japan; Grace Park '01 of Berkeley College, Japan; and Noah Friedman '99 of Calhoun College, Taiwan. Recipients of both summer and term or academic year awards are: Winnie Ma '01 of Berkeley College, China; Hyun Ji de Nies '01 of Pierson College, Korea; Alexander Han '01 of Silliman College, Korea; Elaine Kim '01 of Ezra Stiles College, Korea; and Cynthia Weiss '99 of Ezra Stiles College, Taiwan.
MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIPS. British Marshall Scholarships are awarded annually to American students to support two years of study for a degree at a British university. Three Yale College students were named Marshall Scholars this year: Andrew Cohen '99 of Branford College, who will study English literature at Oxford; Jillian Cutler '99 of Calhoun College, who will study social and political sciences at Oxford; and Anisha Dasgupta '99 of Timothy Dwight College, who will study medieval and economic social history at Cambridge.
NATIONAL SECURITY EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS. Four Yale College students have received National Security Education Program Undergraduate Scholarships, which provide support from the U.S. government for overseas study of languages and cultures in regions outside of Western Europe and Canada. Winners of the scholarships are: Victoria Chiu '01 of Saybrook College for
a term program in China; Howard Clark '01
of Berkeley College for a summer program in
Egypt; Jean Kim '01 of Saybrook College for
a summer program in China; and Ehren Park '01 of Ezra Stiles College for a year-long program
in Russia.
RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS. There were two Rhodes Scholars from Yale this year: Cary Franklin '98 of Saybrook College and Siobhan Peiffer '99 of Jonathan Edwards College.
HART RICE FELLOWSHIPS. Jennifer Turner '99 of Saybrook College has been awarded a Henry Hart Rice Foreign Residence Fellowship, which was established by the Yale Center for International and Area Studies to support year-long projects of study, research or work abroad in countries with which U.S. relations are "tense or strained." Turner will conduct research on women and socialism in Cuba.
EAST ASIA TRAVEL GRANTS. Summer Research in East Asia Travel Grants, supporting research in the region, have been awarded to Josiah Leighton '00 of Calhoun College, who will study the art of graphic novels in Japan; and Ramsi Woodcock '00 of Saybrook College, who will study Daoist texts at Nanjing University in China.
INTERNSHIP AT TIME INC. Albert Chen '00 of Berkeley College will work for nine weeks as a summer intern at Sports Illustrated as part of the Time Inc. Summer Editorial Intern Program.
ASME MAGAZINE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM. Stephanie Hanes '00 of Ezra Stiles College has been selected an American Society of Magazine Editors summer editorial intern.
ATHLETIC PRIZES. Four seniors were honored with prizes offered by the Athletics Department during the Varsity Dinner on April 26. Vanessa Kerry of the women's lacrosse team and David Beynet of the men's tennis team were awarded the DeLaney Kiputh '41, M.A. '47 Student-Athlete Distinction Award, which honors the alumnus who served as director of athletics at Yale 1954-76. It is given to the male and female student-athletes who rank highest in scholarship and have earned two varsity awards prior to their senior year. Reid Lerner of the men's tennis team and Rosanna "Rosie" Wustrack of the women's volleyball team received the Thomas W. Ford '42 Student-Athlete Community Outreach Award. It is given annually to the male and female student-athletes who during their senior year have demonstrated their commitment to strengthening the relationship between Yale athletics and the youth in the New Haven community.
TRUMAN SCHOLARS. Two Yale College juniors received Harry S. Truman Scholarships, which support four years of university study (i.e. senior year of college and one to three years of graduate school) for students planning careers in public service: Dalia Hochman '00 of Pierson College and Kimberly Jones '00 of Davenport College.
UDALL SCHOLARSHIPS. Two Yale College students won Morris K. Udall Scholarships: John Beman '00 of Silliman College and Spencer Durbin '01 of Davenport College. The scholarships support a year of study for American undergraduates with a demonstrated interest in and potential for careers in environmental public policy, and for Native Americans or Alaska natives with a demonstrated interest in a career in health care or tribal public policy.
MADISON FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP. A James Madison Foundation Fellowship, which supports two years of graduate study for prospective secondary school teachers of American history or American government and social studies was awarded to Nora Flynn '99 of Davenport College.
NSF FELLOWSHIPS. Six seniors have been selected for National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships, which support three years of graduate study in science, mathematics or engineering: Julia Bowsher of Calhoun College, Ian Ellwood of Jonathan Edwards College, Brian Kinlan of Jonathan Edwards College, Kenji Obata of Berkeley College, Andrew Pomerantz of Pierson College, and David Thompson of Ezra Stiles College. Ten alumni also received fellowships.
ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP. A Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship supporting a year of graduate study abroad was awarded to two seniors: Kendra Fleming of Ezra Stiles College for study in the United Kingdom; and Anita Kishore of Pierson College for study in Australia.
SOROS FELLOWSHIP. Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for new Americans, which support up to three years of graduate study in any discipline, were awarded to one senior and one alumna: Grace Suh '99 of Silliman College and Thuy Nguyen '97 of Morse College.
BILDNER PRIZES. The department of Spanish and Portuguese has awarded Albert Bildner Prizes in Latin American Languages and Literature at Yale to the following undergraduates: The Professor José Arrom Prize for an outstanding essay written in Spanish on Latin American literature ($400) -- Alicia Natalie Morris '99 of Berkeley College; the Bildner Prize for the graduating senior who has achieved an outstanding academic average in Spanish courses and has demonstrated greatest improvement in his or her knowledge of the Spanish language and/or of Hispanic literatures ($400) -- Sara Ann Ricciardi '99 of Pierson College; the Albert Bildner Prize for a junior to travel to Latin America to conduct research for the senior essay ($900) -- David Herman Flechner '99 of Pierson College; the Patricia Blidner Prize for the outstanding essay written in Portuguese on Brazilian literature ($400) -- Gregory Duff Morton '00 of Timothy Dwight College; and the Brazil Prize for the graduating senior who has achieved an outstanding academic average in Portuguese courses and has demonstrated the greatest improvement in his or her knowledge of the Portuguese language and/or Luso Brazilian literature ($400) -- Jennifer Marie Turner '99 of Saybrook College.
LOHMANN PRIZES. Five students received Lohmann Prizes for their graphic work in both digital and craft technologies: Mihira Jayaskera '99 of Branford College won first prize for three suites of posters; Hrishikesh Hirwey '00 of Morse College won second prize for four South Asian Film posters; and winning honorable mentions were Ashley Adams '00 of Berkeley College, for the Berkeley Solenoid Society bookmarks; Katharine Dion '02 of Jonathan Edwards College, for her poster "Unwind"; and Sara McAlister '00 of Jonathan Edwards College, for the Heavenly Bodies invitation.
VAN SINDEREN PRIZES. Six undergraduates have received Adrian Van Sinderen Prizes for Book Collecting. The prizes were established in 1957 by the late Adrian Van Sinderen (B.A. 1910) to encourage undergraduates to build up their own libraries and to read for both pleasure and education. The Senior Prize ($750) was awarded to Anya Elizabeth Liftig of Morse College for her collection on ballet and modern dance; in addition, a First Runner-up Prize ($600) was given to Kalyanee Mam of Morse College for her collection on the Khmer Rouge regime and its effects on Cambodian society. Honorable Mention prizes ($400) were awarded to seniors Daniel Kellum of Silliman College for his collection of 20th-century women poets, Megan Luke of Silliman College for her collection of 20th-century art and criticism, and Tamar Sussman of Trumbull College for her collection of underground comic books. The Sophomore Prize ($500) was awarded to Sarah Parcak of Timothy Dwight College for her collection of books on Egyptology.
BELLAMY PRIZE. Three students have been selected by the Yale College Council of Masters for the F. Wilder Bellamy, Jr. Memorial Prize: Fawzi Jumean of Morse College, Ernest Morris of Silliman College and Zachary Kaufman of Saybrook College. The prize is awarded annually to the junior or juniors who best exemplify the "qualities for which F. Wilder Bellamy is remembered," including personal integrity, loyalty to friends and high-spiritedness in athletics, academics and social life.
SCHROEDER AWARD. The Council of Masters has chosen three students as winners of the John C. Schroeder Award, given annually to a member or members of the junior class who "will find his or her place and play a part in the good labor of the world." The award honors contributions to residential college life and demonstrates the award committee's confidence in the recipient's later contribution to the community or world. This year's winners are Adam Gordon of Branford College, Gregory Morton of Trumbull College and Jonathan Wiley of Davenport College.
SELDEN AWARD. The Council of Masters has selected three student winners of the Joseph Lentilhon Selden Memorial Award, given to a junior whose "verve, idealism and constructive interest in music and the humanities exemplify those qualities for which Joseph Lentihon Selden is remembered." In recent years the award has gone to a student especially notable for his or her contribution in the field of music. This year's winners are Lisa Hopkins of Saybrook College, Abraham Levitan of Timothy Dwight College and Melissa Raz of Morse College.
WREXHAM PRIZES. Kamran Javadizadeh of Pierson College is this year's recipient of the Wrexham Prize "for the best senior essay in the field of the humanities" and Nikki Rebecca Reisch of Davenport College has received the Wrexham Prize "for the best senior essay or other substantial piece of writing in the field of the social sciences." Javadizadeh's essay, "Infant Sight," was advised by Professor Langdon Hammer and submitted to the English department. Reisch's essay, "State Incapacity: A Self Fulfilling Prophecy? Dilemmas of Redistribution in a Democratic South Africa," was advised by Professors Ian Shapiro and Nicoli Nattrass and was submitted to the ethics, politics and economics program.
SAPIR PRIZE. The Edward Sapir Prize, named in honor of a Sterling Professor of Anthropology at Yale (1931-39) and one of the founders of the anthropology department, was awarded to two students for the best senior essays in anthropology: Sarah Bray of Branford College, for her essay "Health Beliefs Among Injection Drug Users in New Haven, CT"; and Deborah Weiss of Silliman College, for her essay "Human Y Chromosome Variation in England and Wales." Shilpi Mehta of Morse College received Honorable Mention for her essay "Marriage and the Production of Hybrid Cultures."
MCKIM PRIZE. Rachel Germany of Ezra Stiles College and Keith R. McCullough of Branford College were awarded the William H. McKim Prize during the graduation ceremony in their respective residential college. The prize is given to a member of the senior class who has shown marked improvement in his or her academic standing in upper-class years and who has made a significant contribution in activities outside the classroom.
WILLIAMS PRIZE. The Williams Prize, given for an outstanding paper on a Chinese or Japanese subject by any undergraduate, was awarded to two seniors: Nami Soejima of Saybrook College, for her essay "The Asian Bubble and Its Aftermath -- Japan's Role in the Asian Economic Crisis"; and Karen May-shen Teoh of Pierson College, for her essay "To Maketh Wise Unto Salvation: British Missionary Perceptions and Policies at the Anglo-Chinese College of Malacca, 1814-1843." Each recipient was awarded approximately $750. Naomi Walcott of Saybrook College received Honorable Mention for her essay "White Dresses and Visions of Love: Chapel Weddings in Japan."
UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING PRIZES. The following undergraduate awards were presented this year by the Faculty of Engineering: Henry Prentiss Becton Prize -- Lutz Berners '99 (mechanical engineering) of Berkeley College and Sharon Wing-Yi Kwan '99 (biomedical engineering) of Trumbull College, who each received a silver bowl, a certificate and $500; the Edward O. Lanphier Memorial Prize in Electrical Engineering -- Boulos Harb '99 of Ezra Stiles College ($500 and certificate); the Donald Warren McCrosky Memorial Prize in Mechanical Engineering -- Jennifer E. Davis '99 of Branford College ($500 and certificate); the Department of Chemical Engineering Prize (Walker) -- Janine N. Orman '99 of Davenport College ($500 and certificate); the Harry A. Curtis Prize in Chemical Engineering -- Joshua D. Isom '00 of Ezra Stiles College ($500 and certificate); the Department of Chemical Engineering Junior Prize -- Joseph K. Racine '00 of Timothy Dwight College ($250 and certificate); the Franz Tuteur Memorial Prize in Electrical Engineering -- Seth L. Gilbert '99 of Calhoun College ($100 and certificate); the Belle and Carl Morse Junior Prize in Engineering or Applied Science -- Ji-Jon Sit '00 (electrical engineering) of Trumbull College ($500 and certificate); the Department of Applied Physics Prize -- Steven L. Kan '99 of Silliman College ($200 and certificate).
MALCOLM BATCHELOR FUND FOR PORTUGUESE AWARDS. Seven undergraduates were awarded grants of $2,000 each for study in Brazil: Miriam Bruhn '02 of Berkeley College; Aisha Coradin '01 of Davenport College, Leslie Kane '01 of Jonathan Edwards College, Juan Núñez '02 of Morse College, Jasquelin Peña '01 of Timothy Dwight College, Demetria Silvera '01 of Morse College, and David Stewart '02 of Jonathan Edwards College.
CITIBANK TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP: Katharine Wies '99 of Morse College received the Citibank Travel Fellowship, which is awarded for summer research and travel abroad by students in Yale College, primarily for students in the international studies undergraduate major, and to those whose projects focus on the global marketplace or on emerging markets.
BILDNER ISRAEL AND JEWISH STUDIES TRAVEL FELLOWSHIPS. Five students received Robert L. Bildner '72 and Elisa Spungen Bildner '75 Israel and Jewish Studies Travel Fellowships, which are awarded to graduate and undergraduate students traveling to Israel for research or language training or for those traveling to any other country in order to undertake research in the field of Jewish Studies. The recipients and their project titles are: Julie M. Weise '00, "Latin American Jews between Israel and the Diaspora"; Ari M. Shapiro '00, "HIV among Ethiopian Immigrants in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv," Lesley R. Farby '00, "The Art of Memory: A Comparison of the Jewish Extension to the Berlin Museum and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C."; Juliana Ochs, '01, "Women's Sacred Space: Jewish and Muslim Perspectives on Prayer in Jerusalem"; and Syeeda S. Amin '01, "Women and Prayer in Jerusalem: A Jewish/Islamic Perspective."
RUSTGI FELLOWSHIP. Two students received Rustgi Fellowships, which are awarded primarily for research in India but also may be awarded for research in another South Asian country. The students and their projects are: Shabnam F. Faruki '99, "The Exoticism of South Asian Literature in the West and Its Relation to India"; and Rhaul Rajkumar '99, senior essay research in New Delhi/Punjab.
CHARLES KAO FUND AWARDS. Six students received Charles Kao Fund awards, which are presented to undergraduates, including graduating seniors, and graduate and professional students for summer research in East Asia and Southeast Asia who are focusing on the impact of technology transfer processes between Asia and the West, and the social, cultural, and political transformations in these regions. The students and the countries where they will study are: undergraduates Argyro Caminis '00, China; Eunice Cho '99, Korea; Priscilla Song '00, Taiwan; and YiLu Zhao '99, China; and graduate students Seth Cook, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, China; and Alicia Volk, history of art, Japan.
LES ASPIN FELLOWSHIP. The Les Aspin '60 Summer Fellowships were established by the Yale College Class of 1960 to honor the memory of their classmate, Les Aspin, a former member of Congress and United States Secretary of Defense. The fellowships are awarded to Yale College undergraduates for internships either directly or indirectly related to international affairs. This year's recipient is Seth Brown '00, who will study in Pakistan.
BILDNER TRAVEL PRIZE. David Flechner '00 of Pierson College received the Albert Bildner Travel Prize, which supports travel to Latin America or the Caribbean for summer research related to the undergraduate senior essay, generally in Latin American Studies. The two winners of the Study Abroad in Mexico at the University of the Americas are: Leakhena Mom '02 of Berkeley College and Irene Garza '02 of Morse College.
UKRAINIAN INITIATIVE AWARDS. Ukrainian Initiative travel grants are awarded to a student or students to conduct research or carry out internships in Ukraine. The recipients are Stephanie Baralecki '99 of Calhoun College, who will study at the Summer Language Institute in Lviv, and Judy An '00 of Timothy Dwight College, who will do senior thesis research in Kiev.
ANDREW D. WHITE PRIZE. The Andrew D. White Prize, given by the history department for the best essay in American, European or Third-World history, was awarded to seniors Lainie Rutkow of Morse College, David Mascari of Timothy Dwight College, Joanna Pozen of Trumbull College and Kohar Jones of Saybrook College.
JAMES ANDREW HAAS PRIZE. Jennifer C. Chang of Ezra Stiles College received the James Andrew Haas Prize, given to a senior whose "breadth of intellectual achievement, strength of character and fundamental humanity" inspired in fellow students a love of learning and concern
for others. Chang majored in ethics, politics and economics.
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