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-- Director of Substance Abuse Services Richard S. Schottenfeld about the popularity of the drug Ecstasy, "Illegal Euphoria at Uncertain Cost," Hartford Courant, Jan. 7, 2001.
"[I]n 1845, Congress established a level playing field among the states by requiring them to hold elections on the same day -- which is why we all go to the polls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Before 1845, states competed for influence by setting their election dates as late as possible, thereby swinging close elections by voting last."
-- Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science Bruce Ackerman in his editorial, "As Florida Goes . . .," The New York Times, Dec. 12, 2000.
"We [at the Yale School of Management] subscribe to a broad view of leadership. Our courses are unusual . . . the underlying philosophy is that there are common elements of being a leader, regardless of what sector you're in."
-- Dean of the School of Management Jeffrey E. Garten, "Inside Track Business Education: Teaching the Business of Soldiering: Leadership Training: Commerce and the Army Need Similar Leadership," Financial Times (London), Dec. 11, 2000.
"A modest level of air service is critical to economic development in the region."
-- Vice President & Director of the Office of New Haven & State Affairs Bruce Alexander, "US Airways Cuts Flights," New Haven Register, Jan. 6, 2001.
"It might take a decade or more [to dismantle the tobacco industry] and the industry will certainly fight to keep selling tobacco. But ultimately, the country can't continue letting tobacco companies sell an addictive product that can kill."
-- Dean of the School of Medicine Dr. David Kessler, "Kessler: Break Up Tobacco Industry," washingtonpost.com, Jan. 8, 2001.
"Chinese scholars tend to accept Shuangqing as a historical person because traditionally Chinese readers like to bring historical contexts into their reading of poems. In sharp contrast to this, Western readers are inclined to take 'persona' and 'fictionality' into consideration when they read poetry."
-- Professor of East Asian languages & literature Kang-I Sun Chang about the debate over whether a peasant woman poet was real or fictional, "East-West Quest for Peasant Poet," South China Morning Post, Jan. 6, 2001.
"Very often I think that people who are running for office talk about God or talk about faith not so much because they feel the genuine sense of faith, but rather because they think it's going to win them votes, and that, of course, I think is a terrible thing, and it's taking God's name in vain."
-- William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law Stephen Carter, "Professor Stephen Carter of Yale Law School Discusses the Role of Religion in American Politics," CBS Evening News, Dec. 24, 2000.
"This study is a powerful demonstration that making healthy foods cheaper will increase their attractiveness to consumers."
-- Director of the Center for Eating & Weight Disorders Kelly Brownell about a University of Minnesota study showing low-fat snacks became more popular when their price was lowered, "Money Seen as Motive to Eschew Junk Snacks," The Boston Globe, Jan. 2, 2001.
"It's not helpful for children to know about the graphic details of death. You have to be direct, but succinct."
-- Associate professor of pediatrics Dr. David Schonfeld, "Grieving Residents Get Advice on Coping," New Haven Register, Dec. 30, 2000.
"A lot of people can't stand to say they are powerless over anything. And the concept of a higher power really wigs out a lot of people. They get so ranting and raving about religion, it's very difficult for them to say, 'Is there something useful here?'"
-- Assistant clinical professor of psychiatry George Davis about the focus on turning to a "higher power" for help in Alcoholics Anonymous programs, "Health," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jan. 2, 2001.
"I've seen computer classes that revolve around playing games on the computer. And they're just games, but because they're on the Internet or on the computer, they're presumed to have intellectual merit."
-- Professor of computer science David Gelernter, "New School in Making," The Boston Globe, Dec. 28, 2000.
"[Federal courts will] get a lot of cases with people saying, 'I've got an equal protection problem.' And you'll get a constitutionalized law of ballot-counting like we have a constitutionalized law of criminal procedure."
-- Knight Professor of Constitutional Law & the First Amendment Jack Balkin, "Gauging 'Bush v. Gore' Fallout," The National Law Journal, Dec. 25, 2000.
"The unwelcome lesson of ecosystem science is practically nobody gets all of what they want. It's also true that we're just learning how to do this. It's not an exact science."
-- Pinchot Professor of Forestry & Environmental Studies John Gordon, "Like It or Not, Federal Strategy Ready to Manage Interior Columbia Basin," The Oregonian, Dec. 22, 2000.
"Our study has important implications for management. One is that they have to be aware that the workplace is not devoid of emotions. People don't check their emotions at the door. . . . [Managers] have to set up a workplace that people feel comfortable in."
-- Associate professor at the School of Management Sigal Barsade about her 1999 study showing one-fourth of the people surveyed are angry at work, "Firms Try to Alleviate Worker Stresses," The Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 28, 2000.
"A combination of divided government and the end of the Cold War has made it hard to be president. Richard Nixon presides over a divided government, and he gets himself ousted. . . . Ford was never elected. Carter was one term. Bush was one term. And Ronald Reagan had lots of problems with Congress over scandal. So, it's not just Clinton."
-- Southmayd Professor of Law Akhil Reed Amar, "Impeachment's Residue: An Epitaph and Future Worries," The Associated Press, Jan. 15, 2001.
"[President George W. Bush Jr.] hasn't mentioned much about his old hometown New Haven. But the ties are here."
-- Chief research archivist Judith Schiff, "Where Did Baby Bush Sleep? Records Offer Some Clues on Elm City Years," New Haven Register, Dec. 28, 2000.
"Females in a relationship are still responsible for health care. They're the ones who take care of the family when they become ill."
-- Clinical professor of internal medicine Dr. Paul Iannini, "New National Survey Shows More Women Than Men Feel Guilty About Getting Sick Themselves," Marketplace Morning Report, Jan. 8, 2001.
"The fact that gay men and lesbians want to get married, that they are asking states to grant them permission, shows that marriage has a great deal of meaning for people."
-- Stanley Woodward Professor of History & American Studies Nancy Cott, "Husband & Wife," New Haven Register, Jan. 16, 2001.
"[I]f you're racist or you make comments that are racist, [your children] will do the same. But you also have to be very watchful because they pick up things from other places and other people and can and will internalize that as well."
-- Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry Dr. James Comer, "Dr. James Comer, 'Raising Black Children,' and Caryl Stern-Larosa, 'Hate Hurts,' Discuss How to Have Children Judge People on the Content of Their Character and Not Their Skin," CBS News, Jan. 15, 2001.
"The 'shock therapy' administered to cure the ills of the Communist regime [in Russia] instead killed the patient."
-- Assistant professor of sociology Lawrence P. King in his letter to the editor, "Healing in Russia: Grim Prognosis," The New York Times, Jan. 7, 2001.
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