The following books are written or edited by members of the Yale community. Descriptions are provided by the publishers.
The Psychoanalytic Study
of the Child, Volume 56
edited by Dr. Albert J. Solnit, Sterling
Professor Emeritus at the Child Study
Center and of Pediatrics,
with Peter B. Neubauer, Samuel Abrams and A. Scott Dowling
(Yale University Press, 2001)
Since the first volume in this series appeared in 1945, "The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child" has brought together contributions by some of the greatest theorists, clinicians and researchers in the fields of psychoanalysis and child development. This volume contains a special section on changes in technique and child analysis since the publication of "Normality and Pathology in Childhood" by Anna Freud.
Terrorism Factbook: Our Nation
at War!
Jason File, student at the Yale Law School, with Marc Miller
(Bollix Books, 2001)
"Terrorism Factbook" offers a general introduction to international terrorism and affords a clear and simple understanding of the events of Sept. 11 within a broader context. Included in the text is a basic reference on the important figures, techniques and history of terrorism; background information on terrorist strategies and goals; and strategies for countering terrorism.
The Age of Terror: America
and the World After September 11
edited by Strobe Talbott, Director
of the Center for the Study of Globalization, and Nayan Chanda, Director of Publications at the Center
for the Study of Globalization
(Basic Books, 2001)
Eight experts explore ways that terrorism can be contained in the near term and ultimately defeated in this book presented by Yale's Center for the Study of Globalization. The book's contributors write about the Islamic resurgence; what constitutes security; the economic side of America's resolve to fight terrorism; the urgent need for a new grand strategy; the origins of the Middle East conflict; the historical precedents and implications for the sole remaining superpower; the danger that democracy, civil society, human rights and the law will fall victim to the campaign against terrorism; and the challenges to science and medicine in providing prompt and useful responses to threats.
Schnitzler's Century: The Making
of Middle-Class Culture, 18151914
Peter Gay, Sterling Professor Emeritus
of History
(W.W. Norton & Company, 2001)
Cultural historian Peter Gay asserts in this radical work that the sexually emboldened Viennese playwright Arthur Schnitzler (18621931), not Queen Victoria as was popularly believed, defined the mores of the 19th century. In a set of nine closely linked chapters, each focusing on major topics of bourgeois life, Gay synthesizes three decades of far-ranging research, presenting a lucid reinterpretation of the 19th-century middle-class. Extending his examination back to 1815, at the close of the age of Napoleon, Gay chronicles a 100-year period that witnessed not only the emergence of the middle class but also the birth of a culture that remains vital today.
Accessible Connecticut: A Guide
to Recreation for Children
with Disabilities and Their Families
Nora Ellen Groce, Associate Professor
of Epidemiology and Public Health
and Associate Professor (Adjunct)
of Anthropology, with Lawrence C. Kaplan and Josiah David Kaplan
(Yale University Press, 2001)
This user-friendly guide helps parents of children with disabilities plan family outings in Connecticut that are stimulating and fun. Intended for youngsters who use wheelchairs or who have visual, hearing or mental impairments, it presents places throughout the state that are easily accessible and reasonably priced and that require little or no prior planning. The entries are arranged by type of activity and include places to see animals, museums, playgrounds, nature centers, theaters and weekend excursions.
In the Image of God: Religion, Moral Values and Our Heritage of Slavery
David Brion Davis, Sterling Professor
Emeritus of History and Director
of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition
(Yale University Press, 2001)
In this broad-ranging book, one of the pre-eminent authorities on the history of slavery meditates on the origins, experience and legacy of this "peculiar institution." David Brion Davis begins with a substantial and highly personal introduction in which he discusses some of the major ideas and individuals that have shaped his approach to history. He then presents a series of interlocking essays that cover topics including slave resistance, the historical construction of race, and the connections between the abolitionist movement and the struggle for women's rights.
Alexander Hamilton, Writings
edited by Joanne B. Freeman,
Assistant Professor of History
(The Library of America, 2001)
Arranged chronologically, "Writings" contains more than 170 letters, speeches, essays, reports and memoranda written between 1769 and 1804. Included are all 51 of Hamilton's contributions to The Federalist; his famous speech to the Constitutional Convention; the "Reynolds Pamphlet," in which Hamilton made a detailed confession of adultery in order to defend himself against charges of official misconduct; and his self-destructive attack on John Adams during the 1800 campaign. An extensive selection of private letters illuminates Hamilton's complex relationship with George Washington, his deep affection for his wife and children, and his profound distrust of Aaron Burr. An appendix includes conflicting eyewitness accounts of the Hamilton-Burr duel that led to Hamilton's tragic early death.
Cyberpl@y: Communicating Online
Brenda Danet, Visiting Fellow
in the Department of Sociology
(Berg Publishers, Inc., 2001)
In "Cyberpl@y," Brenda Danet explores playfulness and artfulness in digital writing and communication. She also looks at how new art forms, such as virtual theater, ASCII art and digital folk art on IRC, are flourishing. Intended as a "time capsule" documenting developments online in the mid- to late-1990s, when the Internet became a mass medium, this book treats the computer as an expressive instrument fostering new forms of creativity and popular culture.
W E E K ' S

Team to study common, but devastating brain virus

Theologian wins $200,000 award

Junior faculty members win University fellowships

Seasonal shopping market brings retailers to 'shop' New Haven

Historians both oppress and liberate the past, says Gaddis

Naomi Schor, noted French literature scholar and critic, dies suddenly

Medical students provide first line of care at clinic

Two researchers honored with election to Institute of Medicine

Galley of Gifts

ISPS talk to explore ethics of biotechnology, conservation

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