Final Tercentennial weekend will include convocation, Bowl gala
Yale's October Tercentennial Celebration will feature a formal Convocation on Cross Campus, a gala celebration in the Yale Bowl, a special symposium and the first Sunday football game in the University's history.
All faculty, students and staff at Yale have been sent an invitation from President Richard C. Levin and the Tercentennial Committee to join in the festivities the weekend of Oct. 5-7. The invitation included information about how the Yale community can order free tickets for Celebrate Yale 300 at the Yale Bowl. If you have not yet ordered your tickets, the Tercentennial Committee urges you to do so immediately before they are all claimed.
"The celebration is intended as a way to bring together faculty, staff, students and our families," said Linda K. Lorimer, vice president and secretary. "The Tercentennial Steering Committee wanted to conclude the anniversary year with a festive evening for all of us."
The best source of information about the 300th anniversary celebration and free tickets is the Tercentennial website at www.yale.edu/yale300.
The Tercentennial Convocation on Cross Campus will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5. There will be a procession of faculty and students in academic robes. Music will fill the air under the direction of Robert Blocker, dean of the School of Music, and Thomas Duffy, director of University bands. University presidents and other representatives of schools from around the country and abroad will attend. In the event of rain, the Convocation will be held in Woolsey Hall.
The celebration will move from Cross Campus to the Yale Bowl for the rest of the day. From 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., the grounds surrounding Yale Bowl will feature special exhibits and a variety of music performed by Yale-affiliated bands. There will be sports-related activities and other attractions for children. There will also be a food court with a variety of convenient offerings for sale, ranging from hot dogs and pizza to box dinners.
The gala in the Yale Bowl is scheduled from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will be music and entertainment on a 300-foot-long stage with giant video screens. There will also be a fireworks display.
Bus transportation will be provided to and from Yale Bowl. Information abou transportation will be included in ticket orders.
Rain will postpone both the festivities surrounding the Yale Bowl and the gala in the Bowl until the same times on Saturday, Oct. 6.
The symposium, "Democratic Vistas/ Global Perspectives," will feature talks on both Friday and Saturday. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, a graduate of Yale Law School, and former President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo, who received his Ph.D. in economics from Yale, will participate in the symposium.
On Sunday, Oct. 7, there will be a Tercentennial Worship Service with the Yale Alumni Chorus in Battell Chapel at 11 a.m. Also on Sunday, the Yale football team will host Dartmouth at 1 p.m. in the Yale Bowl.
Information on other events and exhibits during the Tercentennial Celebration are listed on the Tercentennial website.
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