Center marks retirement of noted child psychologist
Faculty and staff at the Yale Child Study Center bid farewell to Sara Sparrow at her retirement party on April 18.
Sparrow served as chief psychologist of the Child Study Center as well as professor of psychology. Upon her retirement from Yale, Sparrow will become professor emerita and senior research scientist, and continue to participate in several of the research and clinical activities of the center.
Her most significant contribution to the field of child psychology has been the development of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, a test designed to measure personal and social skills used by an individual or child in daily situations. This psychological instrument is used internationally by clinicians, educators and researchers.
Sparrow has published over 65 articles and chapters on mental retardation, learning disabilities, assessment of intelligence and other cognitive abilities, autism and Asperger's syndrome. Some of her many affiliations and memberships include the National Research Council, Committee on Disability Determination for Mental Retardation; the American Academy of Mental Retardation; The Board of Governors-International Neuropsychological Society; The Human Resources Development Task Force, Center for Health and Human Services; The Connecticut Association of Children with Learning Disabilities; The Connecticut Children's Museum; and the Foote School.
Some of Sparrow's many awards for distinguished contributions in child psychology include a Professional Achievement Award from the Annual Learning Disorders Symposium, HELP Group, and the Connecticut Psychological Association "Award for Distinguished Effort by a Connecticut Psychologist" for the development and publication of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Sparrow also recently received the Career Scientist Award from the American Academy of Mental Retardation. She is a fellow of the American Psychological Association.
According to Laurie Cardona, associate research scientist at the Child Study Center, "Dr. Sparrow's unique and enduring scholarly contributions are surpassed only by her life-long contributions to the professional development of young scholars and her dedication to the families and children whom she has served."
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