A center designed specifically to meet the needs of Yale undergraduate organizations is now open on Broadway.
The new facility was created by the Yale College Dean's Office in a 6,200-square-foot space provided by Yale's Office of New Haven Affairs above the J. Crew retail outlet.
The center includes rooms where groups can hold meetings, cabinets for storing files, fax machines, scanners and a cluster of state-of-the-art computers maintained by Information Technology Services. Students can also print posters, newsletters and other materials on a large color printer run by Reproduction Imaging Services, which bills the printing charges to the groups' bursar accounts.
While it is open to all 293 registered undergraduate organizations, the facility has offices dedicated to three groups -- the New Journal magazine and the Yale Herald weekly newspaper, which were recently displaced from their spaces on Park Street, and the Yale College Council, the undergraduate governing organization.
The officers of the undergraduate organizations have card key access to the center, which is currently open every day 6 p.m. to midnight. There is a night monitor "to provide an adult presence," says Edgar Letriz, assistant dean of Yale College, who oversees the facility. He notes that the center's hours will expand as groups begin to take full advantage of the new facility.
"We anticipate that by next year, the center will be very busy," says Letriz.
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