Yale Bulletin and Calendar

December 13, 2002|Volume 31, Number 14|Five-Week Issue














Bulletin Board

Lesbian and Gay Studies grants

The Lesbian and Gay Studies Committee at Yale administers a special fund for the purpose of aiding undergraduate, graduate or professional students and faculty members in the preparation of senior essays, dissertations, books and papers in any area of gay and lesbian studies.

Grants, ranging from $500 to $5,000, are made in support of projected research or publication, and they are not intended to provide reimbursement for expenses already incurred. Purposes for which funding may be sought include, but are not limited to, such items as travel to inspect primary-source materials or to conduct interviews; and acquisition of inaccessible books, microfilms or other materials. Applicants who seek additional funding for a previously supported project are expected to state how the monies already received have been used and to justify the continuation of support.

Applications should be sent to Jonathan D. Katz, Yale University, Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, 100 Wall Street, WLH 311, P.O. Box 208334, New Haven CT 06520-8334 by Jan. 6 or March 31. Applications should include a description of the work for which funding is needed on not more than four double-spaced pages; a budget and description of the need for support, including the description of any other kinds of financial support solicited for the project; and the names of two persons who have been asked by the applicant for recommendation; these individuals should send a letter supporting the project and the ability of the applicant to carry it out successfully and in a timely manner to the address above by the same deadline.

Any questions may be e-mailed to lgs@yale.edu or addressed to the office of the committee at the above address. Announcement of the awards from the fund will be made about two weeks after the application deadline.

RIS open house

Reprographics & Imaging Services (RIS) will conduct tours of its facilities on Thursday and Friday, Jan. 9 and 10.

Attendees will have the opportunity to visit such departments as the merchandise studio; offset press; graphic design and web development; printing, mailing and bindery; and scanning services.

Pre-registration is required and limited to those who did not attend the tour in June. Registration may be done at www.yale.edu/ris/openhouse. Refreshments will be served, small gifts given and raffle prizes awarded. For more information, call (203) 432-8981 or (203) 432-6050, or e-mail yaleris@yale.edu.

Call for abstracts

The Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA) is accepting abstracts for oral or poster presentations, registrations for community booths, and registrations for AIDS Science Day 2003, to be held on Friday, April 4.

AIDS Science Day is an annual event sponsored by CIRA to highlight the HIV/AIDS research being conducted at Yale and two collaborating institutions, the Hispanic Health Council and the Institute for Community Research, and within the community. The event will include panel presentations, a poster session, community booths and a keynote address, as well as a complimentary breakfast and a light lunch.

Students may submit abstracts for poster presentations. The student who submits the best poster abstract will be asked to present her or his paper at one of the panel sessions.

Forms for submitting abstracts -- both student and non-student -- or registering a booth are available by contacting Debra Newton at debra.newton@yale.edu or (203) 764-4333. The deadline for receipt of the abstract submission and booth registration forms is Jan. 24.

There is no charge for attending AIDS Science Day 2003. Individuals will automatically be registered for the conference if hey submit an abstract or register a booth. Those who wish to attend, but do not want to submit an abstract or register a booth, must pre-register. Registration forms are available from Debra Newton at the above telephone number and e-mail address. The deadline is March 14.

YUWO holiday party

The Yale University Women's Organization (YUWO) will hold its annual holiday party on Sunday, Dec. 15, 5-7 p.m., at the Divinity School Commons Room, 409 Prospect St.

The event will include a tour of the renovated school and a raffle for jeweled cakes. Punch and a buffet will be available.

The party is open to YUWO members and their guests. The cost is $10 per person, $5 of which will go to the scholarship fund.

Yoga classes

The Learning Center will sponsor "Yoga for Stress Reduction & Health" in January.

A beginners class will be held 12:15-1:15 p.m on Jan. 10. An advanced class will be held 12:15-1:15 p.m on Jan. 17.

The classes, which are open to the public, will be held at Fresh Yoga, 319 Peck St., in New Haven. The fee is $55 per session. To register, visit www.yale.edu/learningcenter.

Children's Art Calendar now on sale

Drawings by pre-schoolers and kindergarteners are featured in the 23rd annual Yale Community Children's Art Calendar, which is now on sale.

The calendar features artwork by the children in the Calvin Hill Day Care Center, 150 Highland St., and the Kitty Lustman-Findling Kindergarten. It is underwritten by donations from area merchants, parents, alumni and friends.

Proceeds from the calendar support the sliding-scale tuition at the center, which provides care to more than 60 children age 3-6 from Yale and New Haven area families.

The calendar is available for $10 at The Yale Bookstore, 77 Broadway, or directly through the Calvin Hill Day Care Center. For more information about the center, to request an application or to purchase a calendar, call Carla Horwitz, director, at (203) 764-9350.


Susan Hockfield named as Provost

Four Yale College seniors have received prestigious awards for study in Britain

Three scientists named to Sterling chairs

Levin cited for work building town-gown ties

New center will investigate cocaine use among women

Neurobiologists win prestigious Gerard Prize

Online journal brings globalization issues to a broad audience

Belated news: Ecologist Gene Likens wins national honor

Yale-developed technology predicts patients' response to drugs

Group addressing gender-related issues in academia

Renovation of Yale Art Gallery building to begin this summer

'One Day at a Time' series to explore impact of civil rights struggle . . .

O'Neill sisters earn automatic qualification for NCAA track competition

Talk and tour to highlight event honoring birth of Ben Franklin

Yale Books in Brief

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