Sunday, Sept. 15
"Great Organ Music at Yale"
8 p.m. Woolsey Hall. Martin Jean, organist, will perform Symphonies I and II by Louis Vierne. A $5 donation is requested at the door. Info.: (203) 432-4158 or (Sch. of Music)
Thursday, Sept. 19
"New Music New Haven"
8 p.m. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Directed by Martin Bresnick. Featuring works by Thomas C. Duffy, Robert Van Sice, Roberto Sierra and other Yale composers. (Sch. of Music)
Friday, Sept. 20
8 p.m. University Theatre. Preview performance of Bill Rauch and Tracy Young's adaptation of three classic plays. Ticket prices and info.: (203) 432-1234 or
Friday, Sept. 13
"Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba"
11 a.m.-1 p.m. ISPS. Peter Rosset, Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy. Part of the Program in Agrarian Studies Colloquium Series. Info.: (203) 432-9833 or
"Moving America to Universal
Preschool Education"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory. Edward Zigler will deliver the first lecture in the Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy Luncheon Series. Info.: (203) 432-9935.
Monday, Sept. 16
"The Fight Against Environmental Degradation: Where Do We Go From Johannesburg?"
Noon. Rm. 211, HGS. A roundtable discussion moderated by Ernesto Zedillo, with Gustave Speth, Daniel Esty, Ian Cheney and Tony LaVina, World Resources Institute. A light lunch will be available at 11:30 a.m. (Center for the Study of Globalization/Forestry and Environmental Studies/Yale Student Environmental Coalition)
"Was Low Atmospheric CO2 During
the Pleistocene a Limiting Factor
for the Origin of Agriculture?"
2 p.m. Rm. 102, KGL. Rowan Sage, Univ. of Toronto.
Master's Tea
3:30 p.m. Berkeley College master's house. Alice Waters, chef and owner, Chez Panisse.
Tuesday, Sept. 17
"Revisiting Traditions: Painting and Sculpture in the 20th Century"
2 p.m. BAC. Art in Context discussion led by Emily Weeks.
"J.A. Hobson's 'Imperialism: A Study':
A Centennial Retrospective"
4 p.m. Lecture Hall, SML. Peter Cain, Sheffield Hallam University, will present a lecture as part of the International Security Studies' Distinguished Visitor series. A reception will follow at 5:30 p.m.
"Coherent Excitation of Vibrational Modes in Metal Nanoparticals and Nonorods"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 253, SCL. Greg Hartland, Univ. of Notre Dame. (Dept. of Chemistry)
Working Research Group:
"Medical Futility"
6-8 p.m. ISPS. Topic to be announced. For info. and dinner reservations, contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-6188 or (Interdisclipinary Bioethics Project)
Wednesday, Sept. 18
"Scientific Fraud"
Noon. Lower level conference rm., ISPS. The Bioethics and Public Policy Seminar Series presents David L. Goodstein, California Institute of Technology. For info. contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-6188 or
"Fetching Snacke, Fetching Death: Narrating Memor(ies) of May 1998
Riots in Jakarta and Solo"
Noon. Rm. 203, Luce Hall . The Council on Southeast Asia Studies Seminar Series presents Fadjar Thufail, Indonesian Institute of Science.
"The European Court of Human Rights:
A Discussion with Its President"
4:10-6 p.m. Rm. 127, SLB. The Global Constitutionalism Seminar Lecture by Luzius Wildhaber, European Court of Human Rights.
"The Vulnerability of Water Resources, Agriculture, Natural Ecosystems and Human Health to Climate Change
and Sea Level Rise"
5 p.m. Bowers Aud., Sage Hall. Robert Watson, Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network, World Bank. Part of the Curtis and Edith Munson Marine Conservation Distinguished Lecture Series.
"Reflections on Sustainable Development: From Rio to Johannesburg and Beyond"
5-6:15 p.m. Rm. 120, SLM. The 2002-2003 Timothy B. Atkeson Memorial Lecture by Celso Lafer, minister of state for foreign affairs, Federative Republic of Brazil. A reception will follow in the Alumni Reading Room. (Center for Environmental Law & Policy)
Book Signing
6 p.m. Yale Bookstore. Muriel Topaz will read from, discuss and sign copies of her new book, "Undimmed Lustre: The Life of Antony Tudor."
"Energy, Technology and Climate"
7:30 p.m. Slifka Center. The Bioethics and Public Policy Seminar Series presents David L. Goodstein, California Institute of Technology. For info., contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-6188 or
Thursday, Sept. 19
"The 1915 Genocide in the Panorama of American History"
2:30-4:30 p.m. ISPS. Richard Hovannisian, Univ. of California, Los Angeles. Part of the Genocide Studies Program Seminar Series focusing on "Genocide Through the Ages: Was the Twentieth Century the 'Century of Genocide'?"
"Freedom of Information in an Age of Terrorism: The Open Society and Its Enemies"
3 p.m. Lecture Hall, SML. The Standing Committee on Professional Awareness at the library presents a lecture by Thomas S. Blanton, National Security Archive. Open to members of the Yale community.
"The Panoramic Mode in Nineteenth-Century American Landscape Painting"
5:30 p.m. Lecture Hall, BAC. The 11th Annual Oswaldo Rodriguez Roque Memorial lecture by Alan Wallach, The College of William and Mary. Part of the "Wood Turning in North America Since 1930" symposium. A reception follows the lecture at 6:30 p.m. in the Library Court. Info.: Nancy Yates at (203) 432-0615 or
"When Was Europe? A Series of Conversations with Europeans about European Identity"
7 p.m. Rm. 208, WHC. François Loyer, Univ. of Paris, will lecture in French on "Parisian Architecture and Parisian Identities in the 19th and 20th Centuries." A reception will be held prior to the lecture. (Council on European Studies/Whitney Humanities Center/Dept. of History)
Book Signing
7 p.m. Yale Bookstore. Pamela Tamarkin-Reis will discuss and sign copies of her new book, "Reading the Lines: A Fresh Look at the Hebrew Bible."
Friday, Sept. 20
"Yale: A Place for Poetry, Celebrating
the Bollingen Prize 1949-2002"
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. WHC. This event will feature faculty members and past Bollingen Prize winners taking part in roundtable discussions. Langdon Hammer will moderate the first panel discussion on the topic of "American Traditions in Poetry." J.D. McClatchy will moderate the second panel discussion on "The Craft of Poetry Today." Info.: Nancy Kuhl at (203) 432-2966 or
"The Other Side of Eden"
11 a.m.-1 p.m. ISPS. Writer, anthropologist and filmmaker Hugh Brody. Part of the Program in Agrarian Studies Colloquium Series. Info.: (203) 432-9833 or
"Early Literacy Education: Problems, Pressures and Promise"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory. Dorothy S. Strickland, Rutgers Univ., will deliver a lecture in the Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy Luncheon Series. Info.:
(203) 432-9935.
"Archeology and the Figurine Art of Sha'ar Hagolan, Israel"
12:15 p.m. Rm. 1, 158 Whitney Ave. A brown bag lecture with Yosef Garfinkel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Info.: (203) 432-3700 or
Friday, Sept. 13
"Inside Afghanistan," "Ground Zero to Ground Zero," "Greetings from Missile Street," and "Close, Closed, Closure"
5:30 p.m. Outdoor Courtyard, Off-Broadway Theatre. Part of "Before and After: A Film Festival and Dialogue on War, Peace and September 11." Info.: (203) 436-0459 or (Alternative Media Library and Resource Center)
"About a Boy"
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Harkness Aud., SHM. Directed by Chris Weitz and Paul Weitz. Fee: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Yale Medical Sch. Film Society)
"Aftermath: The Remnants of War," "Gao Rang" and "Where War Has Passed"
8 p.m. Aud. 101, Luce Hall. The Council on Southeast Asia Studies presents the "Vietnam Film Series," part of the Yale Vietnam Conference 2002. Info.:
Saturday, Sept. 14
"Promises," "Gaza Strip," "In My Own Skin," and "Oasis of Peace"
2:30 p.m. Outdoor Courtyard, Off-Broadway Theatre. Part of "Before and After: A Film Festival and Dialogue on War, Peace and September 11." "Promise" and "Gaza Strip," will be followed by a discussion. "In My Own Skin," and "Oasis of Peace" will be shown beginning at 7:30 p.m. and will be followed by a discussion panel featuring faculty members. Info.: (203) 436-0459 or (Alternative Media Library and Resource Center)
"Daughter from Danang" and "A Dream
in Hanoi"
8 p.m. Aud. 101, Luce Hall. The Council on Southeast Asia Studies presents the "Vietnam Film Series," part of the Yale Vietnam Conference 2002. Info.:
"About a Boy"
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Harkness Aud., SHM. Directed by Chris Weitz and Paul Weitz. Fee: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Yale Medical Sch. Film Society)
Sunday, Sept. 15
"8 1/2"
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Harkness Aud., SHM. Directed by Federico Fellini. Fee: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Yale Medical Sch. Film Society)
"Ben Khong Chong" and "Chuyen Tu Te"
8 p.m. Aud. 101, Luce Hall. The Council on Southeast Asia Studies presents the "Vietnam Film Series," part of the Yale Vietnam Conference 2002. Info.:
Wednesday, Sept. 18
"Parson's Nose: Chapter 1 - Short Films from the UK"
5:15 p.m. BAC. The first in a series of films featuring contemporary British artists working in New York.
Thursday, Sept. 19
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Harkness Aud., SHM. Directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones. Fee: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Yale Medical Sch. Film Society)
Friday, Sept. 20
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Harkness Aud., SHM. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Fee: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Yale Medical Sch. Film Society)
Saturday, Sept. 21
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Harkness Aud., SHM. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Fee: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Yale Medical Sch. Film Society)
"How Can It Happen"
7:30 p.m. WHC. Part of Film Fest New Haven, featuring a special presentation of "Zero Day" with a discussion to follow. Tickets: $10; $7 for students and seniors; $2 for children under 12 (must be accompanied by an adult). Film Buff Pass (Friday-Sunday) $100; Weekend Pass (Saturday-Sunday) $50; $40 for students and seniors. Info.: (203) 776-6789 or
"Anything Under Heaven"
10:15 p.m. WHC. Part of Film Fest New Haven, featuring "Daughter" and "Dark Heaven." Tickets: $10; $7 for students and seniors; $2 for children under 12 (must be accompanied by an adult). Film Buff Pass (Friday-Sunday) $100; Weekend Pass (Saturday-Sunday) $50; $40 for students and seniors. Info.: (203) 776-6789 or
Sunday, Sept. 22
"Parting Ways (Shorts #3)"
Noon. WHC. Part of Film Fest New Haven, featuring "Paradise Lounge," "King Returns," "Apples and Oranges" and "Lea's Voice." Tickets: $10; $7 for students and seniors; $2 for children under 12 (must be accompanied by an adult). Film Buff Pass (Friday-Sunday) $100; Weekend Pass (Saturday-Sunday) $50; $40 for students and seniors. Info.: (203) 776-6789 or
"Getting the Words Out (Shorts #4)"
1:45 p.m. WHC. Part of Film Fest New Haven, featuring "The Perfect Gooseys," "Effraction," "Woman X," tOWeR of BaBBLe," Creative Process 473," and "My Chorus." Tickets: $10; $7 for students and seniors; $2 for children under 12 (must be accompanied by an adult). Film Buff Pass (Friday-Sunday) $100; Weekend Pass (Saturday-Sunday) $50; $40 for students and seniors. Info.: (203) 776-6789 or
"The Double Life of Veronique"
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Harkness Aud., SHM. In Polish with subtitles. Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski. Fee: $3; free with $10 membership. Info.: (Yale Medical Sch. Film Society)
Friday-Sunday, Sept. 13-15
"Yale Vietnam Conference 2002:
The Ecological and Health Effects
of the Vietnam War"
The conference will provide information on the ecological damage and aftermath of military operations during the U.S.-Vietnam conflict. Info. and registration: (Sch. of Nursing/Sch. of Forestry
& Environmental Studies/Vietnam Veterans of America)
Sept. 19-21
"The Silk Road in the 21st Century -- Security and Insecurity in Central Asia
and the Causcasus: A Regional Challenge with Global Implications"
Thursday, 5 p.m.; Friday & Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Aud., SLB. Featured speakers will include Strobe Talbott, Brookings Institution; Robert Gallucci, Georgetown University; Ahmed Rashid, Far Eastern Economic Review; Anthony Richter, The Open Society Institute; Martha Brill Olcott, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; and a live video link with Eduard Shevardnazde, Republic of Georgia. Info.: (Yale Center for the Study of Globalization)
Friday & Saturday,
Sept. 20 & 21
"Symposium: Wood Turning
in North America since 1930"
BAC. The symposium opens on Friday with curatorial tours of the exhibitions, the American galleries and the Furniture Study and continues with a welcome by Jock Reynolds and the keynote address "Turning and the Geometry of Symmetry" by Jonathan Fairbanks, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. A reception will follow. Panel discussions on Saturday will include professors, art historians, architectural editors, and directors and curators of art museums. Registration is required. Contact Nancy Yates at (203) 432-0615 or
"Dense-Cities: An American Oxymoron"
Hastings Hall, A&A. Winy Maas will deliver a keynote address on Friday at 6:30 p.m. The symposium will continue on Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. with lectures by Phillip Aarons, William Burch, James Corner, Alexandria Garvin, Douglas Kelbaugh, Fred Koetter, Winy Maas, Brian McGrath, Terence Riley and Michael Sorkin. Held in conjunction with the Sch. of Architecture exhibit "3D City: Studies in Density."
"Revolutionary Traditions and the Law: France and the United States"
WHC. The Conference will begin at 2:45 p.m. with a welcome by María Rose Menocal and opening remarks by James Q. Whitman, and will continue 3-5 p.m with a discussion on "Revolutionary Traditions and the Aspirations of Justice," moderated by Robert Gordon. On Sept. 21, session topics include "Revolutionary Traditions and the Disenfranchised," moderated by Peter Brooks, 9-11 a.m.; "Models of Revolution," moderated by Jennifer Pitts, 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.; and "Assessing Revolutionary Traditions," moderated by James Q. Whitnam, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Info.: (Whitney Humanities Center/Yale Law Sch./Cultural Service of the French Embassy/Florence Gould Foundation)
Friday, Sept. 13
"Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
Diagnosis, Theory and Treatment"
10:15 a.m. Aud., CMHC. Dept. of Psychiatry Grand Round's lecture by David Tolin, UConn Sch. of Medicine.
Monday, Sept. 16
"Myogenic Stem Cell Proliferative Capacity Is Impaired in Mice Lacking the Forkhead Transcription Factor, FoxK1"
4 p.m. JPL. Thomas J. Hawke, Univ. of Texas. Refreshments will be served at 3:45 p.m. Info.: (203) 562-9901. (John B. Pierce Laboratory)
Tuesday, Sept. 17
"Vaccines for the Future"
8:30 a.m. Fitkin Amph. Cancer Center Grand Rounds lecture by Dr. Hans Wigzell, president, Kardlinskia Institute, Sweden.
"Effective and Integrated Child Psychiatric Services: A Blueprint for the Future"
1-2 p.m. Cohen Aud., Harris Bldg. Yale Child Study Center Departmental Conference featuring Dr. Joseph Woolston. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: Robert King, (203) 785-5880.
"Transcriptional Defects
in Cockayne Syndrome"
4 p.m. Rm. I-304, SHM. Satya Prakash, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch. (Dept. of Genetics)
Wednesday, Sept. 18
"Pancreatic Surgery: A Chronicle
of Confusion and Despair"
and "Perforation of the Esophagus"
7-8 a.m. JEH 216. Dept. of Surgery Grand Rounds Lectures by Dr. Irvin Modlin and Dr. Graeme Hammond.
"NK Tcells Activate B-1 B Cells
for T Cell Effector Immunity"
Noon. Rm. 201, Winchester Bldg. Dr. Philip Askenase. (Cancer Center)
"Coordination of Differentiation and Cell Cycle Progression: A Multicomponent Genetic Network"
4 p.m. Rm. 226, OML. Lucy Shapiro, Stanford Univ. Sch. of Medicine. Tea will be served prior to the event at 3:45 p.m. (Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology)
"The Ghost in the Addict: Drug
Anticipation and Drug Addiction"
4 p.m. Dunham 220. The Dept. of Psychology Colloquium featuring Shepard Siegel, McMaster Univ.
Thursday, Sept. 19
"Notch Signaling in Lymphoid Development and Transformation"
11 a.m. Fitkin Amph. Dr. Warren Pear. (Section of Immunobiology)
"Admissions 2002"
Noon-1 p.m. Beaumont Rm., SHM. Medical Sch. Council meeting with Dr. Thomas L. Lentz and Richard A. Silverman. Lunch is provided.
Friday, Sept. 20
"Recent Research on Dual Diagnosis"
10:15 a.m. Aud., CMHC. Dept. of Psychiatry Grand Rounds forum with Dr. Robert E. Drake, Dartmouth Medical Center.
"The History of the Creation of Medicare"
5 p.m. Historical Library, SHM. Beaumont Medical Club Lecture by Dr. William L. Kissick.
For Students
Friday, Sept. 13
Fall Reception
4-6:30 p.m. Luce Hall. YCIAS and the Office of International Students and Scholars hosts a reception with food, music and dancing to welcome international students and scholars.
Friday, Sept. 13
"Luncheon Meditation"
Noon-1 p.m. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. Registration:
Saturday, Sept. 14
Introductory Tour of the British Art Center
11 a.m. BAC. A tour and survey of British painting.
"Roxi Fox and the Incredible Insect Adventure"
11 a.m.-noon. Peabody Museum. Puppeteer Betty Baisden leads Roxi Fox into the world of entomology. Admission is free. Info.: (203) 432-5050 or
"Start with the Arts" Festival
Noon-4 p.m. Peabody Museum. Featuring guided tours, demonstrations and a group painting project. Admission is free. Info.: (203) 432-5050 or
Service in Memory of Neal E. Miller
1:30-3 p.m. Battell Chapel. Reception will follow at 3:30 p.m. at the Graduate Club, 155 Elm St.
Monday, Sept. 16
"Excel: Database Features"
9 a.m.-noon. Rm. LL4, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $100. Registration:
"Web Design: Introduction to Web Technology"
1:30-4:30 p.m. Rm. LL4, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $105. Registration:
"Eudora Pro"
2-4:30 p.m. Rm. LL3, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $70. Registration:
Tuesday & Thursday,
Sept. 17 & 19
"Web Editor: Dreamweaver 4.0: Level 1"
9 a.m.-noon. Rm. LL4, 221 Whitney Ave. 2-day course. Fee: $195. Registration:
"Windows 98/NT4.0: Level 1"
2-4:30 p.m. Rm. LL3, 221 Whitney Ave. 2-day course. Fee: $130. Registration:
Wednesday, Sept. 18
"Designing a Performance Development System"
9 a.m.-noon. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $65; $50 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
"Edward A. Bouchet 150th Birthday Celebration"
Noon-1:30 p.m. Battell Chapel. Freeman Hrabowski III, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County, will present the keynote address on "Educating Minorities for Research Careers: Overcoming the Odds." Dr. Adolphus Toliver, National Institutes of Health, will also speak. A capella singing groups will perform and a cake will be served.
"Coaching Skills for Managers"
1-4 p.m. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. Fee: $65; $50 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
YUWO Wine and Cheese Reception
5-7 p.m. President's House. The Yale University Women's Organization encourages new and prospective members to attend and sign up for activities. Membership is open to any woman who is affiliated with the Yale community. Dues are $20, payable at the beginning of the academic year. Info.: Marion Kessen, (203) 488-3043.
Wednesday & Friday,
Sept. 18 & 20
"Excel 97/2000: Level 1
9-11 a.m. Rm. LL4, 221 Whitney Ave. 2-day course. Fee: $130. Registration:
"Access 2000: Level 1"
9 a.m.-noon. Rm. LL3, 221 Whitney Ave. 2-day course. Fee: $195. Registration:
Thursday, Sept. 19
"Running Effective Team Meetings"
9 a.m.-noon. Rm. LL1, 221 Whitney Ave. 2-day course. Second part of course takes place on Sept. 26. Fee: $110; $90 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
"Customer Service for Front Line
Service Providers"
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lower level, Suite 107, Rm. 109,
100 Church St. South. Fee: $110; $90 for members of the Yale community. Registration:
Peabody Museum of Natural History
Open House
1 p.m. Peabody Museum. Museum staff and current volunteers will be available at the reception to provide information on volunteer opportunities. Info.: (203) 432-5050 or
"Yale: A Place for Poetry, Celebrating
the Bollingen Prize 1949-2002"
8 p.m. First Church of Christ (Center Church on the Green). Past winners of the Bollingen Prize will present public readings from their works. Info.: Nancy Kuhl at (203) 432-2966 or
Saturday, Sept. 21
Introductory Tour of the British Art Center
11 a.m. BAC. A tour and survey of British painting.
Yale Astronomy Public Nights
First Thursday of each month. Top level, Pierson-Sage Parking Garage. Visitors will have the opportunity to view astronomical objects such as the moon, planets, star clusters and galaxies through one of the department's many telescopes. Astronomers will be on hand to describe the objects. Times vary seasonally. Info.:
Guided Tours of Campus
Monday-Friday, 10:30 a.m. & 2 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Yale Visitor Center, Dwight Hall. Info.: (203) 432-2300.
Highlights Tours of the Peabody Museum
Saturday & Sunday, 1 p.m. Lobby, Peabody Museum. Free with museum admission ($5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D.). Info.: (203) 432-5050;
Masterpiece Tours of the Yale Art Gallery
Saturday, 1:30 p.m.; Sunday, 3 p.m. YUAG. Tours of the permanent collection led by docents.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. "Gleaming Gold, Shining Silver: 19th-century Book Covers from the Collection of Leonard and Lisa Baskin," through Oct. 12.
Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale
Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. "A Love of the Land: Paintings by Howard Fussiner," through Sept. 30.
Yale Center for British Art
Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. "The Romantic Landscape Print: 'The Chiaroscuro of Nature,'" Sept. 25-Dec. 29.
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. "The African Roots of the Amistad Rebellion: Masks of the Sacred Bush," "The Muskrat and the Osprey: The Hidden Quinnipiac Marsh," "O.C. Marsh: His Life and Legacy," "Life in Ancient Egypt" and "Cultures of Native America," on view indefinitely. Admission: $5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D. Info.:
Yale Physicians Building Art Place
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The fifth in a series of exhibitions featuring paintings, photographs, sculptures, pottery and quilts by local artists and University faculty and staff; through Sept.
Yale University Art Gallery
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday,
10 a.m.- 5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m; Sunday, 1-6 p.m. "Nine African American Quilters," through Nov. 10. "Wood Turning in North America since 1930," through Dec. 1. "Yale Collects Wood: Gifts from the Collection of John and Robyn Horn, through Dec. 1.
Sterling Memorial Library
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, 1-5 p.m. SML Exhibition Corridor and Arts of the Book Collection. "By Chance: Serendipity and Randomness in Contemporary Artists' Books," through Nov. 6. Nave Exhibition Cases, "Anatol Girs," through Nov. 29.
Yale Institute of Sacred Music
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. "Spiritual Visions from Sri Lanka," through Oct. 25. An exhibition of paintings by Sri Lankan artist Nalini Jayasuriya.
Yale Sch. of Architecture
Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 2nd Floor Gallery. "3D City: Studies in Density, Recent Work by MVRDV," through Oct. 25.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Big Book Meeting; Tuesday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Living Sober Meeting; Wednesday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Promises and Traditions Meeting; Wednesday, 8 p.m., YUHS basement, Meeting; Thursday, 7:30 a.m., St. Thomas More Chapel Hall, Open Step Meeting; Friday, 7:30 a.m., Dwight Hall, Open Topic Discussion Meeting; Sunday, 8 a.m., YUHS basement, Open Discussion Meeting.
Alzheimer's Disease Support Group
First Thursday of each month, 1:15 p.m. 6th flr., 1 Church St. The Alzheimer's Disease Research Unit is offering a support group for relatives and friends of those with Alzheimer's disease. Dessert and coffee will be served. Info.: (203) 764-8100.
Second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m. ASHA-Yale is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting basic education in India. Info.: asha@yale. edu;
Overeaters Anonymous
Monday, 7-8 p.m. 311 Temple St. Open meeting for all who suffer from eating and related disorders. Info.: Sophia, (203) 752-9000;
Yale Poetry Group
8 p.m. Fellows Rm., Calhoun College.
Yale Toastmasters Club
Friday, noon. 221 Whitney Ave. Open to members of the Yale community. Info.: (203) 436-3903;;
Arabic Table
Tuesday, noon. Ezra Stiles College dining rm. (Dept. of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations)
Chinese Table
Wednesday, noon. Silliman College dining hall. Zhengguo Kang. (203) 432-2938.
Japanese Table
Thursday, noon. Silliman College dining hall. Hiroyo Nishimura. (203) 432-2943.
Korean Table
Wednesday, noon. Morse College dining hall. Thursday, noon. Saybrook College dining hall. Seungja Choi. (203) 432-2866.
Russian Table
Thursday, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (beginning Sept. 12), Pierson College Dining Hall. Julia Titus;
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. (beginning Sept. 18), Davenport College dining rm. Emilia Hramov. (Slavic Languages & Literatures)
University Public Worship
Sunday, 11 a.m. Battell Chapel. Rev. Jerry Streets will preach on Sept. 15. Info.: (203) 432-8750. (Church of Christ in Yale, member church of the United Church of Christ)
Episcopal Church at Yale
Student Life Center (SLC), 341 Elm St. Sunday,
5 p.m., Dwight Chapel, Holy Communion, followed by dinner on the first Sunday of each month at the SLC. Sunday, 10 p.m., Christ Church,
84 Broadway, Compline, medieval song prayer service. Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., Berkeley Divinity Sch., Midweek Communion, meet at SLC for transportation. The Reverend Kathleen Dorr, chaplain. Info.: (203) 789-6387.
First & Summerfield United
Methodist Church
Sunday, 11 a.m. 425 College St. The Reverend Ralph Lord Roy. Info.: (203) 624-2521.
First Unitarian Universalist Society
of New Haven
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. 608 Whitney Ave. Info.: Francis, (203) 562-0672.
International Church at Yale
Sunday, 11 a.m. Dwight Chapel. Info.: Walter Bodine, (203) 269-7857.
Luther House -- The University Lutheran Ministry in New Haven
Sunday, 4:30 p.m. 27 High St. Service of Holy Communion in a contemporary setting. Bible study and service opportunities are available. Info.: Carl Sharon, (203) 432-1139;
New Haven Friends Meeting
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. 225 East Grand Ave. Transportation will leave from Phelps Gate at 10:10 a.m. Childcare available. Info.: (203) 468-7364.
St. Thomas More Catholic Chapel and Center
Mass, Sunday, 10 a.m. & 5 p.m.; Tuesday-Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation, Tuesday, 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. 268 Park St. Info.: (203) 777-5537.
Services at the Joseph Slifka Center
for Jewish Life at Yale
80 Wall St. Orthodox, Monday-Thursday,
7:30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. & 25 min. before sunset; Saturday, 9 a.m. & after sundown (call for times); Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Conservative/Egalitarian, Monday, 6:45 p.m.; Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.; Friday, 5:45 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday, to be announced. Reform, Friday, 5:40 p.m. Downtown Minyan, Saturday, 10 a.m. Info.: (203) 432-1134.
Taize Candlelight Prayer
Tuesday, 9:07 p.m. Dwight Chapel. An ecumenical service of song, silence, prayer and praise featuring music from Taize. Info.:;; (203) 432-1139. (University Lutheran Ministry in New Haven)
Unitarian Society of New Haven
Sunday, 9:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 700 Hartford Tpke., Hamden. The Reverend Kathleen McTigue. Info.: (203) 288-1807.
Yale to honor life of Edward Bouchet
Law School authors featured on 'Today Show'
Researchers win grants supporting women in the sciences
University Information
Famed poets to give readings and discuss their craft
Yale Library taking lead on project to establish international database . . .
Three classics are woven into one in Rep's first offering
Painter and former art school dean Andrew Forge dies
Conference looks at conflict in Central Asia, Caucasus
Program will explore recent accomplishments and trends . . .
Film Fest showcases works by independent filmmakers
The art of wood turning is focus of symposium
Panel to explore the future of the environment
Coming to America: Program brings the world to New Haven
Traditions of French, American revolutions explored in weekend conference
President Richard C. Levin's Freshman Address
Yale College Dean Richard H. Brodhead's Freshman Address
Graduate students begin Yale chapter of their 'love story'
They're here! Photos of the arrival of the Class of 2006
While You Were Away: The Summer's Top Stories Revisited
Interns dedicated themselves to a summer of service
Sports and music were on the agenda in groups' trips abroad
Sports Spotlight
Yale Books in Brief
Campus Notes
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