Bulletin Board X Volunteer mentors sought Bright Beginnings, a community outreach program developed by the Friends of Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital, is seeking mentors for young, pregnant women, ages 15-24, who receive their prenatal care at the Women's Center. The program is especially in need of bilingual (English-Spanish) volunteers. Bright Beginnings mentors support young mothers in developing healthy lifestyles for themselves and their children and help enhance the women's self-esteem. Both evening and Saturday training sessions are available. For more information, contact Lyla Johnson at (203) 764-5936 or to schedule an interview, call Alix Elkin at (203) 688-2297.
Unite For Sight, a nonprofit organization, is holding an ongoing "Donate Your Eyes" eyeglass drive. Members of the Yale and Connecticut communities are encouraged to donate used prescription eyeglasses or non prescription UV-protected sunglasses, which will be sent to eye clinics in developing countries for patients who cannot afford to purchase glasses. Collection bins are located in Sterling Memorial Library and the Yale Cushing/Whitney Medical Library. Unite for Sight is dedicated to preventing blindness locally and internationally through free community vision screenings, public education about eye disease and the importance of regular eye exams to prevent blindness, a speaker series, and an eyeglass drive. For more information, send e-mail to jennifer.staple@yale.edu, or visit the website at www.uniteforsight.org.
The Julia Rusinek Memorial Run will be held on Sunday, March 30. The event is held to honor the memory of Julia Rusinek, who was a Yale senior at the time of her death in July 1999. Proceeds will benefit Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership (LEAP), which provides after-school enrichment programs for New Haven children. A half-mile run for children aged 12 and under will begin at 9:30 a.m. The 4-mile race will begin at 10 a.m. The event will take place at Cross Campus. Registration costs $12 in advance and $15 on the day of the run. The price includes a tee-shirt, a raffle ticket and post-race refreshments. Participants are welcome to walk or jog as well as run. For more information, visit the website at www.juliarun.org.
The Office of the Secretary is now accepting submissions for two university-wide prizes: the Porter Prize and the Field Prize. Competition for these prizes is open to all students enrolled at the University for a degree. The John Addison Porter Prize is awarded for a work of scholarship in any field in which it is possible, through original effort, to gather and relate facts and/or principles and to make the product of general human interest. The Kingsley Trust Association (The Scroll and Key Society) established the award in 1872 in honor of the late professor, who received a bachelor's degree from Yale in 1842. The Theron Rockwell Field Prize established in 1957 by Emilia R. Field in memory of her husband, an 1889S graduate of Yale, is awarded for a work of scholarship in poetry, literature or religion. Entries must be submitted before 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 3, to Barbara Mordecai, Office of the Secretary, Rm. 3, 105 Wall St. Questions may be directed to her at barbara.mordecai@yale.edu or by calling (203) 432-2311.
The Yale Child Conduct Clinic is currently accepting children between the ages of 2 and 131Ž2 who are displaying behavioral problems such as lying, disobeying parents, swearing, cheating, not getting along with others or getting into trouble at school. For more information, call (203) 432-9993.
Second phase of Broadway revitalization now underway
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