A new program aimed at teaming up students from Sheridan Middle School in New Haven with professors from the School of Medicine was launched on March 21.
About 100 students from the public school came to campus, where they took part in tours of Yale laboratories and attended science and medical lectures. At the School of Medicine, participants visited the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, where they learned about virology, insect vectors, vaccine development and other topics. They also visited other medical departments, where they viewed digital microscopy of the cell's skeleton and more. Their travels also took them to Kline Biology Tower, where they heard talks on molecular, cellular and developmental biology.
The event was organized by Huan Ngo, a new teacher at Sheridan Middle School and former researcher at Yale. Ngo participated in the Yale Teacher Preparation and Placement Program's alternative route to certification program last summer and began teaching at Sheridan last fall.
Dr. Kenneth Nelson, who hosted the genomics/robotics tour of the Yale Center for Excellence in Genome Sciences, said: "I thought the students were curious about how fast and accurately the machines completed the work we gave them. The work of genomics is to discover and study all of the genes in humans. I think that they made the connection that genes are involved in health and disease and that there are tens of thousands of genes in people."
"This was a wonderful event, a terrific day," added Dr. Curtis Patton, professor and head of the School of Medicine's Division of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases. "The students and teachers were honestly interested. I hope we can do this more often."
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