Dr. Edward J. Benz Jr., president and chief executive officer of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Dana-Farber Partners CancerCare, will be the featured speaker at the School of Medicine's Student Research Day on Tuesday, May 6.
Student Research Day is an annual event in which final-year medical students present the results of their original scientific research. Yale's medical school is the only one in the country that requires a dissertation based on original research for the M.D. degree, according to Dr. John N. Forrest Jr., professor of medicine and director of the Office of Student Research.
Benz's talk, the 16th annual Farr Lecture, will take place at 4:30 p.m. in Rm. 110 of the Jane Ellen Hope Building (JEH), 315 Cedar St. The lecture and the other Student Research Day events are free and open to the public.
An internationally recognized hematologist, Benz is an expert in inherited anemias and diseases of the red cell. His laboratory studies, which are funded by the National Institutes of Health, focus on the molecular regulation and novel functions of membrane cytoskeletal proteins that were originally discovered in the red blood cell.
In addition to his other posts, Benz is principal investigator and director of Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Care and a member of the governing board of Dana-Farber/Children's Hospital Cancer Center. He is the Richard and Susan Smith Professor of Medicine, professor of pediatrics and professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School.
Benz's first faculty position was in the Department of Medicine at Yale. He chaired both the Curriculum Committee 1985-1988 and the Task Force To Reorganize the Curriculum 1987-1988. He served as chief of Yale's Division of Hematology and vice-chair of the Department of Medicine 1987-1993. He went on to head the departments of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and Johns Hopkins University.
His many honors include membership in the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He is a past president of both the American Society of Hematology and the American Society of Clinical Investigation.
Student presentations
Student Research Day will begin at noon with a scientific poster session showcasing medical students' research projects in the corridors of JEH.
Five prize-winning graduating students will give oral presentations about their research 2-4 p.m. in Rm. 110, JEH. The students, their degree programs and their research topics are:
* Maxwell S.H. Laurans (M.D.), "Molecular genetics and biology of KR1T1: implications for cavernous malformation pathogenesis";
* Patricia Diaz (M.D.), "Medical futility in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: a staged process of decision making";
* Mathew Augustine (M.D.), "An important regulatory role for CD4+CD8alpha alpha T cells in the intestinal epithelial layer in the prevention of inflammatory bowel disease";
* Abigail Donovan (M.D.), "Trends in seclusion and restraint use: a naturalistic study of psychiatrically hospitalized youths"; and
* Khashayar Farsad (M.D./Ph.D.), "Direct evidence for a membrane deforming motif in endophilin: implications beyond synaptic vesicle recycling."
Refreshments will follow their presentations at 4 p.m.
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