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"If [our allies] want a free ride, and they probably will, we can't stop that. You saw the movie 'High Noon'? We're Gary Cooper."
--Donald Kagan, Sterling Professor of Classics
& History, "Invasion Would Mark the Next
Step Toward An American Empire,"
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Sept. 29, 2002.
"I accept that the Fed should not stomp on the brakes to try to stop the stock market. But during that whole period, [Federal Reserve chair Alan] Greenspan didn't act like he knew it was a bubble. He came across as a new economy cheerleader."
-- Robert J. Shiller, Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics, "How the Reputation of the 'Maestro' Crumbled: Greenspan Revisited," Financial Times (London), Sept. 26, 2002.
"The whole point is that these tobacco-control programs are cost-effective. It's just ludicrous to say we want to use this money to build roads."
-- Dr. Cary Gross, assistant professor of internal medicine, about the allocation of funds from the 1998 tobacco settlement to non smoking-related health projects, "Tobacco-Control Projects Urged; State Spending Seen As Low," The Hartford Courant, Oct. 3, 2002.
"It will be a very rare CEO right now who sticks his head up and opines on foreign policy. Anyone who calls attention to himself for anything other than improving the conduct, reputation and performance of his company is an easy target."
-- Jeffrey E. Garten, Dean of the Yale School of Management, "Scandals Keep Some From Voicing Opinion on Possible Conflict," USA Today, Sept. 20, 2002.
"Employment is the essential element of social status, and it establishes a person as a contributing member of society and also has very important implications for self-esteem. When that is taken away, people become more susceptible to depression, cardiovascular disease, AIDS and many other diseases that increase mortality.
-- M. Harvey Brenner, visiting professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, "Health vs. Death; Unemployment Affects Mortality Rate, Study Shows," New Haven Register, Oct. 1, 2002.
"The nature of [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder] is that it impacts the part of the brain that turns things on and turns things off. If there is some intrinsic appeal about something, where you're naturally turned on, or where it's an emergency and there's a gun to your head, then you will attend. But people with ADHD have trouble dealing with the routine, day-to-day work on which so many things depend."
-- Dr. Thomas Brown, clinical professor of psychiatry, "Adult Dropouts' Second Chance," The Weekend Australian, Sept. 21, 2002.
"We know that about half of all breast cancers are found by the women themselves."
-- Dr. Donald Lannin, professor of surgery (oncology), "Breast Self-Exams Defended; Despite Study, Doctors Encourage Women To Continue Practice," The Hartford Courant, Oct. 3, 2002.
"The Serbian elections reveal a profoundly troubled society, unable to come to terms with the nationalist crimes of the Milosevic era. But ultimately, the fate of Balkan reform will depend on the equivalent of de-Nazification of Balkan societies."
-- Ivo Banac, Bradford Durfee Professor of History, in his article "The Politics of Half-Measures," The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 2, 2002.
"There is a whole bewilderment about color that West Indian immigrants discover. You come here and realize you're black; you're in the minority. It's shocking. We're very aware of discrimination in Jamaica, but it's a class thing, not a color thing."
-- Fiona Vernal, doctoral candidate in history, "'Finding a Place'; Yale Doctoral Student Preserves Story of West Indian Immigration in Historical Society Exhibit," New Haven Register, Oct. 4, 2002.
"This really is a fundamental change in world order. In the past we were either defensive or reactionary. If Saddam goes into Kuwait, we're right there on him. But this is much more proactive than pre-emptive. We're going to be proactive in Saudi Arabia, and that is a huge change."
-- Paul Bracken, professor at the Yale School of Management, "U.S. Strategy in Middle East Goes Way Beyond Just Iraq," Investor's Business Daily, Sept. 20, 2002.
"What's disturbing is that so many companies paying astronomical rates have performed poorly."
-- Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, associate dean of the Yale School of Management, "Are CEOs Worth Their Salaries?" The Washington Post, Oct. 2, 2002.
"This is about discrimination. A core mission of our school is to speak against discrimination and act against discrimination."
-- Harold H. Koh, Gerard C. & Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law, about a law that links federal aid to law schools with access to their students by military recruiters, "Yale Will Allow Military at Law School Career Day," The Washington Post, Oct. 2, 2002.
Richard Brodhead named to third term
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