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Osborn Memorial Laboratory
Payne Whitney Gym
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Calendar of Events
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F R I D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 12 - S U N D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 21
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 Biomedical Sciences
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Friday, Sept. 12
"Slow Food, Slow Schools: Teaching Sustainability Through the Education of the Senses"
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Seminar rm., ISPS, 77 Prospect St. Alice Waters, Chez Panisse, San Francisco, CA. Info.: (203) 432-9833 or jscott@pantheon.yale.edu. (Program in Agrarian Studies)
"The Recent Controversy in the House and Senate Regarding the Reauthorization of Head Start"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 104, Mason Laboratory, 9 Hillhouse Ave. Prof. Edward Zigler. Info.: (203) 432-9935 or www.yale.edu/bushcenter. (Yale Center in Child Development and Social Policy)
"English-Language Resources for Research on Chinese Topics"
12-1:30 p.m. Rm. 211, HGS, 320 York St. Council on East Asian Studies China Workshop with Nancy Chapman, William Massa, Martha Smalley and Tao Yang. Lunch will be provided. Registration: (203) 432-3426 or eastasian.studies@yale.edu.
"The Long-Term Effects of Youth Unemployment"
12:15-1:45 p.m. Rm. 106, 28 Hillhouse Ave. Microeconomics Workshop on Labor and Population with Thomas Mroz, visiting professor. Info.: www.econ.yale.edu/seminars/labor/index.htm.
Human Rights Workshop
12:30-2 p.m. Rm. TBA, SLB, 127 Wall St. Jamie Fellner, U.S. Division of the Human Rights Watch. (Orville H. Schell Jr. Ctr. for International and Human Rights)
"Quantum Computation with NMR: Factoring 15 and Beyond"
4 p.m. Rm. 59, SPL, 217 Prospect St. Isaac Chuang, MIT. Tea will be served at 3:30 p.m. (Physics Dept)
"Hope Not Hate"
7-9 p.m. Dwight Hall, 67 High St. Khaled Abou El Fadl, UCLA, Charles MacCormack, president, Save the Children Foundation, and Sam Gejdenson, former congressman, will discuss current U.S. and Islamic world relations in a New Haven Town Hall. Info.: www.aidemocracy.org/initiatives/hopeNotHate.cfm or aidemocracy@aol.com. (Americans for Informed Democracy)
Monday, Sept. 15
Workshop in Trade and Development
3:30-5 p.m. Rm. 106, 28 Hillhouse Ave. Ethan Ligon, Berkeley. Info.: www.econ.yale.edu/seminars/trade/index.htm.
"National Science Policy in a New Era"
4 p.m. Lecture hall, SML, 120 High St. Edward A. Bouchet Sesquicentennial Lecture by Homer Neal Sr., director, UM-ATLAS Collaboratory Project, Univ. of Michigan. (Saybrook College Mott-Akins Fund)
"Recycling, Reconfiguring, Rebuilding"
6:30 p.m. Basement, Hastings Hall, A&A, 180 York St. David Adjaye. Doors open to the public at 6:15 p.m. (Sch. of Architecture)
"Diversity at Yale"
7-9 p.m. Dwight Hall Chapel, 67 High St. A panel discussion with Profs. Hazel Carby, Judith Resnik and Reva Siegel. Moderated by Deborah Cantrell. Open to members of the Yale community. R.S.V.P.: Rachel Thomas at (203) 432-8847 or rachel.thomas@yale.edu. Info.: www.yale.edu/wff. (Women Faculty Forum/Arthur Liman Public Interest Fellowship & Fund)
Tuesday, Sept. 16
"Experimental Marks: Drawing in Mid-to-Late 19th-Century England"
12:30 p.m. BAC, 1080 Chapel St. Art in Context talk by Colin Cruise, Staffordshire Univ.
"Pre- and Post-War Abstraction: Mondrian and Pollock"
2 p.m. YUAG, Chapel at High Street. Gallery talk by Jess Atwood-Gibson. Info.: (203) 432-0600 or www.yale.edu/artgallery.
"Chemistry and Mechanism of New Alkane CH Activation and Functionalization Catalysts"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 253, SCL, 225 Prospect St. Roy <\h>Periana, Univ. of Southern California. (Dept. of Chemistry)
Bioethics Reading Group
5:30-8 p.m. ISPS, 77 Prospect St. David Smith, bioethicist-in-residence. Speaker and topic TBA. Info., reading materials and dinner reservations: Carol Pollard, (203) 432-6188 or carol.pollard@yale.edu.
Thursday, Sept. 18
"Pre- and Post-War Abstraction: Mondrian and Pollock"
Noon. YUAG, Chapel at High Street. Gallery talk by Jess Atwood-Gibson. Info.: (203) 432-0600 or www.yale.edu/artgallery.
Genocide Studies Program Seminar Series
1:30-3:20 p.m. ISPS, 77 Prospect St. Speaker and topic TBA.
"Roots and Footprints of Anthropology at Yale"
4 p.m. Rm. 1, 158 Whitney Ave. Prof. Harold <\h>Conklin. Info.: (203) 432-3700. (Dept. of Anthropology)
Working Research Group: "Genetically Modified Plants"
4-6 p.m. OML, 165 Prospect St. Speaker and topic TBA. Info.: Carol Pollard, (203) 432-6188 or carol.pollard@yale.edu.
"The Flecheiros: A Journey in the Land of an Uncontacted Tribe"
4:30 p.m. Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Ave. Scott Wallace, photojournalist and author of "Into the Amazon." (Latin and Iberian Studies)
"Fictions of Method: Poe, ValŽry, Broch"
5 p.m. Rm. 309, WLH, 100 Wall St. The Woodward Lecture by Werner Hamacher, Johann Wolfgang Goethe UniversitŠt, Frankfurt am Main.
"The Family Jewels"
7:30 p.m. Rm. 208, WHC, 53 Wall St. Adrienne Munich, SUNY, Stony Brook. Reception at 6:45 p.m. in Rm. 108, WHC. Info.: (203) 785-7205 or alicia.grendziszewski@yale.edu. (Muriel Gardiner Program in Psychoanalysis and the Humanities)
Friday, Sept. 19
"We're All Mexican Here: Poultry Processing, Latino Migration and the Transformation of Class in the U.S. South"
11 a.m. Seminar rm., ISPS, 77 Prospect St. Steve Striffler, Univ. of Arkansas. Info.: (203) 432-9833 or jscott@pantheon.yale.edu. (Program in Agrarian Studies)
"The Origins of American Child Care Policy"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 104, Mason Laboratory, 9 Hillhouse Ave. Kimberly Morgan, George Washington Univ. Info.: (203) 432-9935, www.yale.edu/bushcenter, or a href="mailto: ">sandra.bishop@yale.edu">sandra.bishop@yale.edu. (Yale Center in Child Development and Social Policy)
"Worker Sorting and the Risk of Death on the Job"
12:15-1:45 p.m. Rm. 106, 28 Hillhouse Ave. Thomas DeLeire, Kennedy Sch. of Government. Info.: www.econ.yale.edu/seminars/labor/index.htm.
"Human Rights Workshop"
12:30-2 p.m. SLB, 127 Wall St. Joanne Mariner, Human Rights Watch, Americas Division. (Orville H. Schell Center for International Human Rights)
"The First Female Gynecologist"
5 p.m. Historical Library, SHM, 333 Cedar St. Dr. Patricia Last. (Beaumont Medical Club)
Saturday, Sept. 20
"Life as They Knew It"
1 p.m. Peabody Museum, 170 Whitney Ave. Prof. Derek Briggs. Part of the exhibition "The Burgess Shale: Evolution's Big Bang." Free with museum admission: $7; $6 for seniors (65+); $5 for children (ages 3-18); free with valid Yale I.D. Info.: (203) 432-5050 or www.yale.edu/peabody.
Sunday, Sept. 21
"Life As a Scholar and As a Believer"
6 p.m. Saint Thomas More Chapel Hall, 268 Park St. A dinner discussion with Prof. Margaret Farley. Part of the Catholic Faculty Series. Info.: (203) 777-5537.

T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Class of 2007 has arrived

 Agent Orange left legacy of birth defects, says study

 Locals 34 and 35 are on strike

Yale-United Way Campaign begins
 'Start with the Arts' will highlight city's attractions

 Weekend workshop to explore the impact of SARS

 Town Hall-style dialogue aims to reduce U.S.-Muslim tensions

 While You Were Away: The Summer's Top Stories Revisited

 Chinese literature scholar and translator Hans Frankel dies

 Neurosurgeon and educator Dr. Franklin Robinson dies

 Worldly wise

 Elizabeth Bradley is named first Yale recipient of John D. Thompson Prize

 Summer was a season of service for Dwight Hall interns

 Moving In Day

 Campus Notes

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