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"I wonder if any architects ... have considered the possibility that the most successful urban projects might change not only use but scale over time. ...
[W]e might want to discuss the possibility that the mega-projects of today should be designed as recyclable once the show has moved on."
-- Alan J. Plattus, professor of architecture and
urbanism, in his article "The Big Picture: How
Well Will the Connecticut Convention Center
Mega-Project Fit Into Hartford's Life and Landscape? And How Will It Fit in the Future?"
Hartford Courant, May 29, 2005
"Well, the thing that's really unrealistic is that these images [of thin celebrities in the media] aren't even real, they are airbrushed, they're sometimes one person's legs and another person's head. And I don't think the teens realize this. They believe that what they see in the magazines is absolutely real. And parents need to educate their children. They need to be active viewers of the media."
-- Dr. Claire Wiseman, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry, "Body Image Teens Mimicking Thin Stars," "Good Morning America," May 13, 2005.
"The translator is literature's great unsung hero. The labor is antlike, the pay mediocre and the only notice a small credit on an inside page and the ritual abuse of authors everywhere. ... Translation is an inherently populist endeavor, as the founders of Penguin Classics and the Modern Library, those great achievements in mass education (not to mention Oprah's Book Club, in its current, classics-oriented incarnation), clearly knew. The contempt for translation partly reflects a desire to keep literature away from the grubby hands of the great unwashed, who don't know how to appreciate it anyway."
-- William Deresiewicz, associate professor of English, in his review of Gregory Rabassa's book "If This Be Treason; Translation and Its Dyscontents," "The Interpreter," The New York Times, May 15, 2005.
"Mother had once been a junior high school history teacher, but past and future dropped away. The last five minutes were as remote as an archeological dig at Persepolis. The trick was to move through the day in a continuous Now: Now the bath, now the walk, now the trip to the grocery. Every 'now' was itself a series of little nows, requiring moment to moment alertness and adjustment. That was what we learned in theater games."
-- Elinor Fuchs, adjunct professor of dramaturgy and dramatic criticism, on how she coped with her mother, who had Alzheimer's disease, "Alzheimer's: A Mother-Daughter Act," The New York Times, May 8, 2005.
"Michael [Jackson] clearly has two jobs. The first is to win the case legally. But he's also figuring out how to present this case publicly, and he feels like presenting it through the lens of race is going to inspire sympathy, if not empathy."
-- Seth Silberman, lecturer in women's, gender and sexuality studies and in African American studies, "Simmering Race Issue; Question Is Public Concern for Jacksons, but Muted in Court," Newsday (New York), May 23, 2005.
''If you reach a state where the courts are seen as almost purely political institutions, then I think their legitimacy will seriously decline."
-- Robert Dahl, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political Science and senior research scientist in sociology, "Fight Club: The Senate Nears the Point of No Return," The New York Times, May 22, 2005.
"There is a spectrum ranging from proactive corporate leaders who are saying we need to think about [religion in the workplace] and find appropriate ways to embrace it, and others who say this is a complete hornet's nest."
-- David W. Miller, executive director of the Center for Faith and Culture at the Divinity School, "Faithful Are Carving Niche in the Workplace; Believers, Mostly Christian, Are Making Inroads in the Corporate Arena. Even With Company Limits, the Office Climate is Shifting," Los Angeles Times,
May 15, 2005.
"In all of the fuss over Harvard's president, Lawrence H. Summers, and his hypothetical explanations as to why women have not achieved success equivalent to men in the sciences, I have thought repeatedly that there is another, and far more likely, explanation: Whereas women fret, and worry, and fret some more, over finding a balance between professional and family success, most men simply do not."
-- Anne Yoder, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, in her letter to the editor "People at Work: A Balancing Act," The New York Times, May 27, 2005.
"In general, appearance is used more as a way of evaluating women than men. Men are more often evaluated by their achievements, while women are judged more on their appearance."
-- Marlene B. Schwartz, research scientist and lecturer in psychology, "Women's Weight Found to Affect Job, Income; Study Indicates Bias in Marriage, Career," The Boston Globe, May 28, 2005.
"If someone comes up to [an Air Force cadet] with more authority, even an older cadet, and says to them, we want you to be a Christian, 'get out of my face' is not one of the appropriate responses."
-- Kristen Leslie, assistant professor of pastoral care and counseling at the Divinity School, about a Divinity School report that concluded religious fervor was out of control at the U.S. Air Force Academy, "Air Force Academy Faces Heat Over Religion," "Paula Zahn Now," CNN, May 25, 2005.
"I think one of the problems we're looking at is that [the African-American] community has been demobilized from the time when we were very active on the front of demanding the right to vote. And it has also been fragmented through both programs of affirmative action, integration that allowed some people to become suburban corporate executives, [while] other people shot off into the bottom ranks of the prison industrial complex."
-- Kathleen Cleaver, lecturer in African American studies and senior research scientist at the Law School, "Projects Endowed by the Alphonse Fletcher Sr. Fellowship," "News & Notes with Ed Gordon," National Public Radio, May 26, 2005.
"For a long time gospel artists saw performing as almost an act of charity. Songwriters didn't even know to ask for publishing rights. Artists didn't realize labels were profiting from their recordings."
-- The Reverend Frederick J. Streets, University chaplain, pastor at the Church of Christ in Yale, adjunct assistant professor at the Divinity School and assistant clinical professor at the Child Study Center, "Gospel Artists Forced To Ponder Root of All Evil; A Lawyer's Suit Against a Sony BMG Record Label Stirs Up Questions About Money and Mission," Los Angeles Times, May 2, 2005.
"The fundamental difficulty in planning for enhanced longevity is that we do not know whether it will really happen. Life expectancy might well be only 80 years by midcentury -- about where it is now in advanced countries -- if medical progress is disappointing or is offset by new threats or hazards. If we make provisions for long lives that are cut short, we will have wasted huge amounts of precious economic resources. But if we fail to make provisions for lives that are longer, many elderly people will be condemned to poverty."
-- Robert J. Shiller, the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics, in his article "Longevity Bonds Can Help Retirees Prosper," The Japan Times, May 2, 2005.
"When he wrote it, Blackmun surely did not see his [Roe v. Wade] opinion as his and his alone. In announcing the 'opinion of the Court,' he acted as a team player, speaking on behalf of seven justices who signed on to the decision that Burger had assigned him to write. ... But in the maelstrom that followed Roe, Blackmun became the public face of the right to abortion -- the Great Emancipator of Women to some and the Great Defender of Evil to others. Gradually, Harry Blackmun the man came increasingly to identify himself with -- to define himself by -- his leading role in Roe."
-- Akhil Reed Amar, the Southmayd Professor of Law, in his review of Linda Greenhouse's book "Harry Blackmun's Supreme Court Journey," "The Father of Roe v. Wade," The Washington Post, May 8, 2005.
"I agree we should 'carpe diem [seize the day].' But living with chronic disease is no way to do so. Take care of yourself, and there is every chance your life will include more diems that you will have the vitality to carpe. The pursuit of health is not at the expense of living, but an investment in it."
-- Dr. David L. Katz, associate clinical professor of epidemiolgy and public health and of medicine, in his article "Investing in Good Health Pays Dividends," New Haven Register, May 2, 2005.