Yale committed to offering overseas opportunities to all undergraduates
President Richard C. Levin has announced that the University is committed to offering all Yale College students the opportunity to study or work abroad during their undergraduate experience or the year following graduation.
"We are committed to providing international opportunities for each student," Levin says. "We are more than halfway to our goal and expect to reach it within three years. We believe that being an educational leader in this century requires our students to experience other countries as well as study them."
Yale College Dean Peter Salovey adds, "Ever since this ambitious goal was recommended by a faculty committee in 2003, we have been hard at work to increase the number of placements abroad for Yale undergraduates. Last year there were approximately 550 placements and this year we have more than 725."
The international opportunities for students fall into four broad categories:
* Traditional semester or year abroad programs;
* A growing number of summer school programs that Yale is organizing abroad;
* Summer working internships organized by Yale for its graduates; and
* Summer research and educational opportunities abroad.
To advance its goal, Yale is providing undergraduates on financial aid with grant support for Yalesponsored summer study and internships abroad.
In designing the programs for student participation abroad, Salovey notes, the emphasis was on increasing the number of summer opportunities.
"The academic life on campus during the regular school year is so exciting that our students seem more interested in taking full advantage of the summer," Salovey says. "Internships abroad in special academic experiences are key to our design.
"For example, Yale has a program with 30 internships in London, ranging from placement with the London Symphony Orchestra to Parliament. A major program in Beijing is being launched this June in which about 30 students will have internships. The internships include placement at IBM China, the Forbidden City Palace Museum and a foundation supporting orphanages for girls, among others," he notes.
In a separate program, more than 70 undergraduate students will be studying Asian languages through financial grants from the Richard U. Light Program.
William Whobrey, director of Summer Programs at Yale, says, "Three years ago, all of Yale summer school was conducted in New Haven. To achieve the goal for undergraduate education abroad, we have created Yale summer programs for academic credit in eight cities. For example, students can study intermediate Kiswahili in Kenya or Austrian composers in Salzburg. We have doubled our placements abroad in the last year and expect to double them again within the next three years."
Yale committed to offering overseas opportunities to all undergraduates