Two new exhibitions -- one showing the creative uses of a familiar printing process, the other tracing Yale's efforts to preserve its library holdings -- are now on display at Sterling Memorial Library.
"Production Not Reproduction"
"Production Not Reproduction: The History of Offset Printed Artists' Books" will feature examples of volumes created from 1960 through 2005.
The works will be shown in chronological order, with the earlier materials in Sterling Memorial Library's nave and the most contemporary materials in the Arts of the Book Collection reading room.
Photographers, printmakers, graphic artists and others have used the process of offset lithography -- historically employed as a means of commercial picture reproduction -- in often creative and unique ways, explains the show's curator, Tony White, art and architecture librarian and assistant professor at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.
By using the offset print process, book artists had the option to produce properties and effects unattainable by other processes, explains White. Since 1995 the explosion of desktop publishing has allowed many artists to produce color-printed artists' books without relying on offset lithography as a means of picture production.
In addition to his work at Pratt Institute, White is an independent curator, book artist and photographer, who has been making, showing and selling his own work since 1992. He has experience operating many different kinds of equipment used in the production of the book arts, including a Multilith offset press. He has also worked as a book and paper conservation technician and in a professional letterpress studio, an intaglio edition shop and a hand-pulled lithography shop.
The exhibit will be on display through Jan. 31 in the nave and will be extended through April 30 in the Arts of the Book Collection reading room.
Preservation at Yale
In conjunction with Sterling Memorial Library's 75th anniversary celebrations, Yale's Preservation Department is presenting "The History of Preservation at the Yale University Library: A Timeline," showing how the care and preservation of library materials has developed over the decades.
The display features a timeline of the events marking the history and evolution of the Preservation Department over the years. Events that predate the inception of the department are included, showing that caring for and preserving library items was a concern long before the department was created. Significant grants and projects are highlighted, including the creation of the Conservation Laboratory and the Collections Care unit.
The exhibit can be found in the cases opposite the circulation desk in Sterling Memorial Library and will be on view until the middle of January.
Sterling Memorial Library is located at 120 High St. Its hours of operation can be found at The Arts of the Book Collection reading room is open 1-6 p.m. Monday-Thursday, with reduced hours during recess and holiday periods. Details can be found on the website at
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