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In the News X
"[If you write down every hassle you encounter during your day], at the end of the month, you will have
20 business ideas, and some of them will work."
-- Bruce Judson, senior faculty fellow at the School of Management, "Bootstrapping Your Way Into Business," U.S. News & World Report, March 27, 2006.
"Straight hair tends to be associated with a higher social class. [It conveys] the sense that people have the money and the time to have their hair be perfectly straight."
-- Marianne LaFrance, professor of psychology, "Backstory: Curl Combat -- Going Under the Irons," Christian Science Monitor, March 21, 2006.
"The net effect of shutting the door to foreign scientists [by denying them visas] could mean less international recognition for the U.S. Half of U.S. Nobel physics and chemistry laureates in this century were born in foreign countries or of foreign parents, and a recent World Bank report suggests that every 10% increase in foreign graduate students leads to a 6% increase in patents. ... High-value innovations do not emerge in a vacuum. Creating an environment that recognizes creativity -- and high-value invention -- requires nurturing and respect. Closing the door to scientific talent out of fear and suspicion, discouraging scientists through neglect and low wages, is not how the U.S. should alter the disturbing trends -- falling numbers of students, scientists and patents -- that will eventually erode prosperity."
-- Susan Froetschel, assistant editor of YaleGlobal Online, "To Have and To Hold: U.S. Losing Talent Quest; Because of Visa Restrictions, Fewer Foreign Scientists and Engineers Are Going to the U.S.," The Straits Times, March 28, 2006.
"We don't have a lot of convincing evidence that global warming will result in epidemics. So far, health alone is not a sufficient reason to reduce CO2."
-- Durland Fish, professor of epidemiology and public health and senior research scientist at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, on concerns that warmer conditions will bring disease-carrying tropical insects into now-temperate regions, "'Each Year Brings a New Disease': If Bird Flu Fails To Cut Us Low, Scientists Say, Some Other Disease Will Bring a Deadly Plague as More Infections Jump From Animals to Humans," Chicago Sun-Times, March 26, 2006.
''There is plenty of nutrition education done in this country. It is done by the food industry. It has convinced us that fruit roll-ups are healthy, and that a cereal that is half its weight in sugar is part of a nutritious diet. The increasing prevalence of obesity is like a hundred-car freight train going downhill with no brakes. And our country's response has been to stand outside the tracks and ask it to slow down.''
-- Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, chair of the Department of Psychology, and professor of epidemiology and public health, "Food Makers and Critics Break Bread," The New York Times, March 25, 2006.
"'Shame about the body is no longer a factor for many of my clients. Ideas about privacy are becoming more relaxed."
-- Joel Sanders, associate adjunct professor at the School of Architecture, on his designs for bathrooms with see-through walls, "Let In the Light. Show Off the Tub. Who Needs Privacy?" The New York Times, March 23, 2006.
''Pearl Harbor was an act of violent incursion that everybody recognized augured more violent acts of incursion because there was a Japanese fleet out there. [But with the 9/11 attacks], we don't know whether we're looking at a powerful and well-organized enemy, or some terrorists who just happened to get lucky.''
-- Bruce Ackerman, the William O. Douglas Clinical Professor of Law and Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science, "A Bellwether for the Power of a President," The New York Times, March 26, 2006.
"The success of Hong Kong in the past could be attributed to its uniqueness in population circulation and flow across the border and with other parts of the world. Circulation allows the best talent to come to Hong Kong. They deposit layers of values and knowhow and disseminate their Hong Kong experiences abroad. This is vitally important in preserving Hong Kong's competitive edge in a globalised economy."
-- Helen Siu, professor of anthropology, "Dressed to Skill: Hong Kong's Immigration Policy Is Holding the City Back in the Global Rush to Attract the World's Most Talented Professionals," South China Morning Post, March 24, 2006.
"Anything that provides a link between homo erectus and later humans is good. It's a confused period of human evolution."
-- Andrew Hill, the Clayton Stephenson Class of 1954 Professor of Anthropology, chair of the Department of Anthropology and curator of anthropology at the Peabody Museum of Natural History, on the discovery of an ancient skull in Africa that may be the link between primitive humans and modern man, "State Scientist Helps Unearth Archaeological Link," Associated Press, March 25, 2006.
"Polls show that people do recognize the value of immigration, including illegal. On the other hand, it is a violation of law, and people have just found strategies to live with it."
-- Peter Schuck, the Simeon E. Baldwin Professor of Law, "Paradoxes of Immigration Hit U.S. Senate," Christian Science Monitor, March 27, 2006.
"A lot of that mercury [in New York's air] is coming out of coal-burning power plants in the Midwest. Until the federal government gets serious about reducing those emissions there will be problems that New York can't fix on its own."
-- Daniel Esty, the Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy, "Dirtiest Air Found in New York, Though Risk Called Overstated," The New York Sun, March 23, 2006.
"But as many Americans believe that dissent is a patriotic duty, so I believe that self-criticism lives up to the best ideals of the Quran, Islam's holy book. One of its most beautiful verses tells us to 'bear true witness, even if it be against yourselves, your parents, or your family.' In other words, be honest, no matter whose feathers it ruffles."
-- Irshad Manji, fellow in International Security Studies, in her article, "Pre-Emption Draws Surprising Consensus," USA TODAY, March 24, 2006.
"[Samuel] Beckett's a great writer but
a bad influence and almost sui generis.
I hate the way playwrights, directors, designers will create a Beckett-like atmosphere and think that gives their work relevance and depth. Beckett earned his despair. We can't spray on that despair. Young writers used to think tramps speaking non sequiturs passed for playwriting. As a teacher, you want to stop people from writing pastiches of Beckett."
-- John Guare, lecturer in playwriting, "Debating a Spare, Yet Overwhelming, Voice," International Herald Tribune, March 25, 2006.
"There is no one thing that transforms a normal cell. There are many kinds of transformations. The biology of different kinds of cancer cells are different. We're becoming much better at tumor biology -- predicting how cancer will behave. It's likely in 10 years we will approach cancer very differently."
-- Dr. Frank Detterbeck, professor of thoracic surgery, "A New Weapon in War on Cancer," New Haven Register, March 26, 2006.
"This essential condition for development is frequently unmet in Latin America. With few exceptions, ordinary citizens throughout the region spend their lives worried about security and crime, with insufficient recognition or protection of their property rights. They are burdened by corruption and aggrieved by the power of special-interest groups. This situation conspires against individual initiative and effort, market expansion and the proliferation of new firms and jobs -- i.e., against economic growth and development."
-- Ernesto Zedillo, director of the Center for the Study of Globalization and professor in the field of international economics and international relations, in his article "Latin Blues," Forbes, March 27, 2006.
"The fundamental defect of the Kyoto Protocol [to reduce global warming] lies in its objective of reducing [carbon dioxide] emissions relative to a baseline of 1990 emissions for high-income countries. ... Base year emissions have become increasingly obsolete as the economic and political fortunes of different countries have changed. The 1990 base year penalizes efficient countries (like Sweden) or rapidly growing countries (such as Korea and the United States). It also gives a premium to countries with slow growth or with historically high carbon-energy use (such as Britain, Russia, and Ukraine)."
-- William D. Nordhaus, Sterling Professor of Economics, in his article "After Kyoto: Alternative Mechanisms to Control Global Warming," Foreign Policy In Focus, March 27, 2006.
"We live in different taste worlds and how things taste has a lot to do with whether we eat them or not. ... Super-tasters experience all tastes two to three times more intensely that the rest of us. Because of that intensity, they tend not to like fat, and they don't eat as much of it. They also tend to avoid highly salted foods. Not surprisingly, they are less likely to be obese and more likely to have lower rates of cardiovascular disease. ... Super-tasters also tend not to like fruits and vegetables containing flavinoids, compounds which they perceive as bitter, so they may face higher rates of diet-related cancers."
-- Linda Bartoshuk, professor of surgery and of psychology, "Sweet Is Relative, Taste Bud Researcher Says; Genetic Differences Divide Humans Into Three Categories," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, March 28, 2006.