 | Elizabeth Wojcik (right), a graduate student in biology and biomedical science, leads the Hartford schoolchildren in one step of the DNA extraction -- rinsing their mouths with water after chewing the inside of their cheek.
Hartford students learn about DNA during Yale outing
Hartford public school students left Yale wearing samples of their own DNA March 30 and 31 when they came to campus as part of Fifth Graders Go to College 2006.
Designed to encourage students to prepare and plan for college early in their school careers, the program is co-sponsored by the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education, Hartford Public Schools, Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez's Office and St. Paul Travelers Foundation. Yale was one of 13 campuses across the state to participate in the program, now in its second year.
 | Ian Sussex (center), senior research scientist in molecular, cellular and developmental biology, helps Angel Rojas (left) and Chayna Velez locate the DNA strands
forming in a special solution.
During their visit to the University, the youngsters from Burns School in Hartford spent one day touring the campus and one day at Yale's Peabody Museum taking part in a workshop on DNA extraction.
In addition to learning about the structure and function of genes, the fifth graders created their own "DNA necklaces" -- a multi-step process that began with the youngsters chewing the insides of their cheeks and ended with them preserving strands of their DNA in glass necklaces containing alcohol -- which, they learned, can preserve the genetic material for several years.
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 Hartford students learn about DNA during Yale outing

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 Conference to examine issues facing youths in the juvenile justice system

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