Researchers at the School of Medicine have found that 85% of embryos transferred during in vitro fertilization fail to result in live births, highlighting the need for improving diagnostic techniques to identify viable embryos.
Published in the August issue of Fertility and Sterility, the study reviewed seven years of U.S. statistics from all the fertility clinics that report data on reproductive techniques. Dr. Pasquale Patrizio, director of the Yale Fertility Center and professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, led the project.
"Something in nature has decided that these implanted embryos are not viable," says Patrizio, who conducted the study with co-author Dr. George Kovalevsky of Eastern Virginia Medical School.
"We as practitioners in the reproductive clinic are in a paradoxical situation," Patrizio adds. "There is pressure to reduce multiple births, but we need to do so knowing that the majority of the embryos that are transferred do not implant. It is difficult to strike a balance between these two needs."
Patrizio says he and his fellow physicians strive to better identify the embryos with the most potential. But, he notes, addressing the growing pressure to transfer fewer embryos to reduce multiple births is a difficult task unless they can come up with a method in the lab to identify the best embryos.
"Some potential methods for screening embryos include using pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and biochemical markers of embryo viability," said Patrizio. "In addition this study should also move the field toward perfecting methods of egg production."
-- By Karen Peart
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