
The 2005 Yale World Fellows and Associate Fellows, pictured here at the Faculty Welcome Dinner on the Betts House lawn, are (from left) Rui Chenggang (China), Associate Fellow Radha Kuppalli (Master of Environmental Management), Henrique Fernando Salas-Römer (Venezuela), Paromita Goswami (India), Irène Hors (France), Khuat Thi Hai Oanh (Vietnam), Marvin Dames (Bahamas), Hassan Jabareen (Israel), Marianne Camerer (South Africa), Lusine Abovyan (Armenia), Sascha Müller-Kraenner (Germany), Mi-Hyung Kim (South Korea), Darius Gudelis (Lithuania), Bakhodir Ganiev (Uzbekistan), Associate Fellow Matthew Spence (Law School), Henry Njoroge (Kenya), Kazushige Tanaka (Japan), Associate Fellow Molly Martinez (Sociology Ph.D.), Joaquín Jácome (Panama), Vincent Pérez (Philippines), Associate Fellow Emlyn Jones (Medical School) and Hauwa Ibrahim (Nigeria).
In weekly series, World Fellows will debate global topics
Yale's 2005 World Fellows will continue a popular lecture series begun last year by their predecessors, and promise that the talks will be even more "provocative," as they are purposefully designed to spark debate among the fellows themselves and with members of the audience.
Aimed at Yale students, the Thursday Lecture Series is one of many ways World Fellows engage with the campus during their 17-week stay at the University. Other events include the international-themed World Fellows Night, master's teas, World Fellows dinners at the residential colleges, and panel discussions at various classes and student group meetings across campus.
The Yale World Fellows Thursday Lecture Series, which is free and open to the public, will take place every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the Sterling Memorial Library lecture hall, 128 Wall St., beginning on Sept. 22 and concluding on Nov. 10. A reception will follow each lecture where the audience can meet the World Fellows.
The titles and speakers of this year's lectures are:
Sept. 22 -- "Can There Be Universal Discourse on Human Rights?" with Paromita Goswami, founder of Shramik Elgar, a 6,000-member union of rural Indian workers; Hassan Jabareen, director of Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel; and Hauwa Ibrahim, a Nigerian human rights lawyer and a challenger of convictions under Islamic Shari'a law.
Sept. 29 -- "Is America's Backyard on Fire?" with Marvin Dames, chief superintendent of police for the Royal Bahamas Police Force; Joaquín Jácome, international trade expert and former minister of trade and industry for the Republic of Panama; and Henrique Fernando Salas-Römer, vice president of the Union of Latin American Parties and former governor of Carabobo, Venezuela.
Oct. 6 -- "EU: Model for Global Governance?" with Lusine Abovyan, constitutional law specialist for the Armenia Legislative Strengthening Program; Darius Gudelis, chief domestic policy adviser to the president of Lithuania; and Sascha Müller-Kraenner, director for Europe and North America at the Henrich Böll Foundation.
Oct. 13 -- "Who Cares About Corruption?" with Marianne Camerer, co-founder and director of Global Integrity; Bakhodir Ganiev, regional development strategist for the United Nations Development Program; and Irène Hors, head of the China Governance Program at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Oct. 20 -- "The Return to Yale Forum Lectures." World Fellows alumni return to Yale and join the 2005 World Fellows in debating three critical issues affecting the world today: terrorism, poverty and AIDS.
Oct. 27 -- "The United States: Beacon of Hope or Danger to the World?" Jabareen (see Sept. 22); Mi-Hyung Kim, executive vice president of the Kumho Asiana Business Group; and Müller-Kraenner (see Oct. 6).
Nov. 3 -- "Who Wins and Who Loses in the Global Scramble for Oil?" with Vincent Pérez, former secretary of energy to the Philippines; and Kazushige Tanaka, deputy director of the energy division at the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Nov. 10 -- "China's Rise: Overrated or Undervalued?" with Hors (see Oct. 13); Pérez (see Nov. 3); and Rui Chenggang, anchor and director for China Central Television.
For more information on the World Fellows Program, visit www.yale.edu/worldfellows.
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