Richard L. Cohn, the newly appointed Battell Professor of the Theory of Music, is a noted music theorist whose interests focus on chromatic harmony, metric dissonance, Schenkerian theory, atonal pitch-class theory and Lewinian transformational theory, among other topics.
Cohn has also published on the music of Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Wagner, Bartok and Reich. His numerous articles have appeared in the Journal of Music Theory, Music Theory Spectrum, Nineteenth-Century Music, Music Theory Online and other professional publications, and he has also written encyclopedia articles. He is a two-time winner of the Society for Music Theory's Outstanding Publication Award.
Cohn joins the Yale faculty after teaching since 1985 at the University of Chicago, where he was named the Helen B. and Frank L. Sulzberger Professor of Music and Humanities this year. At the University of Chicago, he has served as department chair, director of graduate studies, director of undergraduate studies and director of the Music Theory Mentoring Partnership. He was awarded the school's Academic Technology Initiative Grant in 2003.
A graduate of Brown University, Cohn earned his Ph.D. from the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester, where he won the Graduate Teaching Prize and founded and coordinated the Graduate Analysis Symposium. He was also a founding member of the Graduate Theory Committee.
In addition to being a frequent speaker at academic conferences and other gatherings of music specialists, Cohn has also presented non-academic lectures that have covered topics ranging from an exploration of Hayden's "The Seasons" to a musical analysis of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
Cohn is general editor of the Book Series in Music Theory for Oxford University Press and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Music Theory. He is also a member of the advisory board of the Journal of Mathematics and Music, of the board of directors of the American Brahms Society, and of the board of the Chicago Chorale.
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