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In the News X
"One of the quickest ways to get to know a woman decently and well is to dance tango with her. There
has to be a mutual surrender or there's a thrashing
of limbs."
-- Robert Farris Thompson, the Colonel John
Trumbull Professor of the History of Art,
"A Moment With Art Professor Robert Farris Thompson," Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
Oct. 15, 2005.
"The thousands of traders and investors in the global economy who are moving trillions of dollars around the world every day are a tough lot to scare, to be sure. In the last five years alone they have coped with everything from 9/11 to health scares such as SARS, to a massive earthquake in Japan, to the Asian tsunami that killed more than 250,000 people. The financial system took these crises one by one, assessing the damage, rarely panicking -- and then moving on. ... It could be a decidedly different situation if the world experiences several crises at once or disasters of greater magnitude."
-- Jeffrey E. Garten, the Juan Trippe Professor of the Practice of International Trade, Finance and Business, in his article "Should We Be More Worried?" Newsweek, Oct. 9, 2005.
"There is debate whether Asperger's is a high-functioning form of autism. Asperger's Syndrome and autism are at least cousins. ... These people become ghosts in our society. When their parents are gone, they are forgotten."
-- Ami Klin, the Harris Associate Professor of Child Psychiatry, "Center Will Help People with Asperger's Syndrome Join Society," New Haven Register, Oct. 9, 2005.
''I think almost every kid is hungry after the structure and intensity of the school day. Growing beings, in order to benefit from the social and academic aspects of the after-school programs, certainly need snacks in the afternoon.''
-- Dr. Mary Schwab-Stone, associate professor of child adolescent psychiatry and of psychology, "In Hartford, an Impasse Over School Snacks," The New York Times, Oct. 9, 2005.
"I could fill my clinics with patients with neuropathic pain who we can't help or help only partially. ... If we could turn off the [nerve] channel, we could cure the pain. We could make a clean drug [to zero in on the problem] like a laser."
-- Dr. Stephen Waxman, the Bridget M. Flaherty Professor of Neurology and Pharmacology, "The Pain Chronicles," TheNewsTribune.com, Oct.11, 2005.
"America's favorite topic of discussion -- after celebrity gossip -- has to be whether the stock market is overvalued or undervalued -- with good reason, too. Unlike most conversational topics, this one actually can change how well you live. ... Is there some way to time the market? If one listens to the 'experts,' it seems easy. Every day there are numerous articles and television pundits telling investors whether it is time to get in or out. Of course, the problem seems to be that they typically offer opposite directives."
-- Matthew Spiegel, professor of finance at the School of Management, "Timing the Market with Past Returns? Good Luck," InvestmentNews.com, Oct. 3, 2005.
"It has been proven over and over again that fertility decreases with age, but that doesn't mean that it's zero after the age of 40. I feel that we are leaving out opportunity for [fertility] treatment to a large group of patients that will still have a good chance of being pregnant."
-- Dr. Pasquale Patrizio, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, on a Connecticut law that limits mandated coverage for fertility treatments to those under age 40, "Connecticut Changes Law on Fertility Treatment," "All Things Considered," National Public Radio, Oct. 11, 2005.
"International global governance had only one paragraph in the document that came out of the [recent World Summit]. It had a page in the previous document; now it only has a paragraph. The environment was not on the agenda at all, and it doesn't even figure in as an official discussion point. It's marginalized in one little paragraph that basically states we agree to explore the possibility for a more coherent structure for international environmental governance ... that's it on the environment."
-- Maria Ivanova, director of the Global Environmental Governance project at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, "Is It Environmentalism or the Environment That's Dead?" Hartford Advocate, Oct. 13, 2005.
"We have a huge crushing weight of labor costs [in the U.S. automobile industry], specially those pension costs. Our competition for the most part doesn't have retirees that are as old and doesn't have as large a group of them, and also the pensions of the current workers. This is a peculiarly American issue that has to be wrestled with."
-- Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, the Lester Crown Professor in the Practice of Management, "Morning Call," CNBC, Oct. 12, 2005.
"Out of millions of people, some number will happen to be turned on by how their laundry detergent works. Imagine a situation where you have 150 people who ... put up comments. Now imagine that [someone] finds a way to not only create a search engine but render them in very, very usable form, some very colorful representation of the two or three salient characteristics -- this works well with hard water, this works well with whites -- now you're standing in the aisle with your [handheld] but it's just a matter of waving your wand over the products you're considering.''
-- Yochai Benkler, professor of law, "Listenomics," Advertising Age, Oct. 10, 2005.
''Men are allowed to be more direct [about expressing frustrations]. They can pound table tops and yell and throw something against walls and do various kinds of physical acting out. Women's mode of expression is supposed to be more passive, more childlike. If women could act out like men, there would probably be less tears.''
-- Marianne LaFrance, professor of psychology, "Big Girls Don't Cry," The New York Times, Oct. 13, 2005.
"There is no standard for reporting [medical] test results -- a couple of studies prefer the patient to be notified one way or the other. In my own practice, I say, 'If you don't hear from me assume everything is OK.' But if it falls through the cracks it is my fault. It's not ideal."
-- Dr. Anna B. Reisman, assistant professor of internal medicine, "Caregiving: Anything but Routine," United Press International, Oct. 11, 2005.
"There is an increasing mismatch between U.S. commitments and ground forces carrying out those commitments."
-- Paul Kennedy, the J. Richardson Dilworth Professor of History, "U.S. Faces Challenges on Three Fronts," The Korea Herald, Oct. 13, 2005.