Visiting on Campus
There was no Visiting on Campus section in this week's issue.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Major gift to fund construction of Loria Center for the History of Art

 Scientists determine ancient Peruvian citadel was earliest solar . . .

For students, spring break will be a time of discovery, service
 SOM travel goes green

 Researchers discover treatment for lethal kidney disease

 Professor and trustee awarded India's highest civilian honor

 Study implicates gene defect in early heart disease

 Marvin Chun and John Hollander are honored by Phi Beta Kappa

 Yale will help build DNA databank to further research on autism

 Scientists clarify why colliding ice blocks interlace

 Negative health effects of soft drink consumption confirmed in study

 Exhibit looks at contributions of early women healers

 Yale nurses Linda Pellico and Geralyn Spollett are lauded . . .

 Past, present and future Elis are named Soros Fellows

 Study finds that yearning -- not disbelief -- is defining feature of grief

 Record number of city students taking part in annual science fair on campus

 Conference to explore new collaborations with Turkey

 Campus Notes

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