Bulletin Board
There was no Bulletin Board section in this issue.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Yale cuts costs for families and students

 Homebuyer benefit increased

 Fossil solves mystery of extinct animal's origins

 Team learns Abu Dhabi desert once lush habitat

 Meeting the challenges of nursing care in Nicaragua

 Foundation’s gift to the School of Drama establishes . . .

 Study: Despite efforts, racial disparities in cancer care continue

 Law School students argue case before the nation’s highest court

 Sharp cited as ‘superb teacher of teachers’

 Events commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

 The color printmaking revolution is highlighted in new exhibition

 Symposium to examine the university’s role as architectural patron

 Forum will explore the use of neuroimaging in study of alcoholism

 Memorial Service for George Hersey

 Yale Books in Brief

 Campus Notes

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