Yale Bulletin and Calendar

January 18, 2008|Volume 36, Number 15
















In the News

“Worrying about your failings as a mother because you didn’t bake homemade cupcakes when the child doesn’t even care is guilt gone wrong.”

Margaret Clark, professor of psychology, on how some guilt can be driven by standards internalized during childhood, which are not realistic, “Get Rid of Guilt for the New Year,” Real Simple, Dec. 27, 2007.


“In speaking with [students in China today], I’ve been struck by the clarity of their convictions about China’s past and future. ... History does not just provide actual lessons from the past, but, more important for the students, history gives them the chance to consider the right and wrong of human judgment even though the deeds were done long ago. And for this reason, they are taking the long view of their country’s future and are reluctant to put their hope in any sort of quick fix or in any ideal, even one that is as appealing as democracy.”

Annping Chin, senior lecturer in history, in her article, “The Newest Mandarins,” The New York Times Magazine, Dec. 16, 2007.


“This is what we do [in this study], hike around looking for monkeys by themselves who are hungry and want to play. It’s hard to find social creatures by themselves, and even harder to find ones that aren’t being followed by other researchers.”

Laurie Santos, associate professor of psychology, on a study of animals’ thinking processes conducted on an island that is popular among researchers because of its free-ranging monkey colony, “Thinking Like a Monkey; What Do Our Primate Cousins Know and When Do They Know It? Researcher Laurie Santos Is Trying To Read Their Minds,” Smithsonian, Dec. 21, 2007.


“Not only food and beverages, but spices and condiments, and also the most common products — from paper to paperclips, guns to porcelain — owe their spread to globalization. It took hundreds of years before Chinese paper-making technology reached the West or India. Now globalization delivers the latest model of iPod to any part of the world within days. A curse of early globalization — bubonic plague — took 80 years to spread in Europe; in 2003, the SARS virus, transported by passengers on jet planes, reached three continents in as many days.”

Nayan Chanda, editor of YaleGlobal Online and director of publications for the Center for the Study of Globalization, in his article, “Modern Globalization; Historical Interconnections Between Communities Worldwide Have Multiplied Manifold in Recent Times,” Business World (New Delhi), Jan. 4, 2008.


“In truth, racial and ethnic diversity have little popular support outside the United States and Canada. The diversity ideal appears to be a distinctively, if not uniquely, American (or at least North American) theme. Most of the democracies that now tolerate ethnic diversity have done so only recently — and perhaps only temporarily, until their anti-immigrant forces can mount an effective counterattack.”

Peter Schuck, the Simeon E. Baldwin Professor of Law, in his article “In Diversity We (Sorta) Trust,” The American Lawyer, December 2007.


“These consumer breathalyzers are interesting and may make you more aware of your BAC [blood-alcohol content], but there’s no evidence to show that it’s an effective way of keeping people from driving while impaired. In fact, they may give people a false sense of security.”

Linda Degutis, associate professor of surgery (emergency medicine) and public health, “Personal Alcohol Testers: Worth the Price?; Experts Doubt the Effectiveness of Consumer-Grade Breathalyzers,” Boston Globe, Dec. 23, 2007.


“Baseball faces a critical moment, no less momentous than the Black Sox gambling scandal it faced almost 90 years ago. Back then, owners and the players banded together to restore faith in America’s game by appointing an independent commissioner. They have the opportunity to restore that faith again today. Half-steps toward compliance and token posturing are not enough.”

Aaron Zelinsky, student at the Law School, on the scandal over the use of performance-enhancing drugs, in his article, “Put More Muscle in Baseball Drug Tests,” Hartford Courant, Dec. 18, 2007.


“While some population studies suggest that vitamin D levels, such as those that could result from sun exposure, may be beneficial for cancer survival, current scientific data suggest that proper sun protection remains a key element of a skin cancer protection program”

Dr. David J. Leffell, professor and section chief of dermatologic surgery, deputy dean of clinical affairs at the School of Medicine and director of the Yale Medical Group, “Sunlight: Good or Bad for Cancer Risk?” CBS News, Jan. 7, 2008.


“A slowdown in the U.S. economy for 2008 now appears inescapable. And the probability of a serious recession cannot be ignored. ... There’s only so much that can be done with monetary policy without risking serious undesirable consequences, such as fueling inflationary expectations or creating severe moral hazard. Furthermore, calls to loosen fiscal policy in order to reduce the likelihood of a recession should be resisted. That course of action would worsen, not improve, the already weak national savings rate in the U.S., which is at the root of the ongoing tribulations.”

Ernesto Zedillo, director of the Center for the Study of Globalization and professor in the field of international economics and politics, in his article, “2008: Year of Reckoning?” Forbes, Dec. 21, 2007.


“Time and again the U.S. has chosen the short-run stability offered by dictators over building long-term relationships which have a chance to result in democracy and human development. Our purpose in Pakistan has been clear: engage a dependable ally in the war on terror. Unfortunately, our chosen instrument, Pervez Musharraf, has been ineffective either as an ally against the Taliban and al-Qaeda or in maintaining the support of a population thoroughly disenchanted with decades of mismanagement under both civilian and military regimes.”

Gustav Ranis, the Frank Altschul Professor Emeritus of International Economics, in his letter to the editor, “The West Must Support Democracy-Building in Pakistan,” Financial Times, Jan. 10, 2008.


“It says something about our times that the top quotes of every year are the ones that are ridiculous. People say things now just to be outrageous or offensive, like Ann Coulter saying last year of the 9-11 widows, ‘I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ death so much.’ ... Our political and cultural life has declined in a lot of ways.”

Fred R. Shapiro, associate librarian for collections and access services at the Law School, lecturer in legal research and editor of “The Yale Book of Quotations,” “Their Oops? We’ll Hear It Again and Again,” The Washington Post, Dec 31, 2007.


“‘What did I come into this room for?’ is a classic frontal lobe question. … Those are the cells that are talking when you walk into the room and are saying ‘scissors, scissors, scissors.’ They enable you to hold memories through distractions. … What it looks like is that [in the brains of the elderly] those cells are still there, but they become very sluggish. So something like exercise may help them get going together again.”

Amy Arnsten, professor of neurobiology and of psychology, “Exercise and the Brain,” Hartford Courant, Dec. 28, 2007.


“One hears other people saying things and confirming ideas you have. When things are commonly accepted, you file it in your brain as something that is true. ... Now we are all in agreement the housing market is going to fall. That is what happens when you have contagion of an idea. You are going around wearing a tie and you realize that no one else is wearing a tie, and suddenly it seems so wrong to be wearing a tie.”

Robert J. Shiller, the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics, “Herd Mentality Is, By Nature, Catching,” Times-Union (NY), Dec. 31, 2007.


Yale cuts costs for families and students

Homebuyer benefit increased

Fossil solves mystery of extinct animal's origins

Team learns Abu Dhabi desert once lush habitat

Meeting the challenges of nursing care in Nicaragua

Foundation’s gift to the School of Drama establishes . . .


Study: Despite efforts, racial disparities in cancer care continue

Law School students argue case before the nation’s highest court

Sharp cited as ‘superb teacher of teachers’

Events commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The color printmaking revolution is highlighted in new exhibition

Symposium to examine the university’s role as architectural patron

Forum will explore the use of neuroimaging in study of alcoholism

Memorial Service for George Hersey

Yale Books in Brief

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