Three Yale alumni journalists to discuss their experiences
Three Yale alumni will recount the ups and downs of their first year as journalists
in a panel discussion on Thursday, April 10.
Titled “My First Year in Journalism,” the panel will take place
at 7 p.m. in Rm. 211 of Linsly-Chittenden Hall, 63 High St. The speakers will
answer audience members’ questions on such topics as how to pitch a story
and how to conduct a successful interview. The panel, which is free and open
to the public, is the main event for spring 2008 in the Francis Conversations
with Writers and Editors series.
The panelists, all graduates of the Yale College Class of 2006, will be Paul
Gleason, staff writer for Harvard Magazine and former intern at Harper’s;
Zvika Krieger, deputy editor/online, The New Republic and former Middle East
correspondent for Newsweek; and Julia Wallace, freelance film and culture writer.
The panel will be moderated by their former writing professor, Anne Fadiman,
author of “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” and the Francis
Writer in Residence at Yale.
The young journalists work in three different cities (New York, Boston and
Washington) and have already amassed a wide variety of experience: international
reporting, magazine feature writing, book reviewing, film reviewing and editing.
For more information, call Clare Schlegel at (203) 432-2920.
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