Memorial service planned for H. Bradford Westerfield
A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, April 9, for noted Yale political scientist Holt Bradford Westerfield,
who died on Jan. 19 at the age of 79.
The service will take place at 10:30 a.m. at Battell Chapel, corner of College and Elm streets.
Westerfield was the Damon Wells Professor Emeritus of International Studies.
He had taught at Yale for more than 40 years. As a Yale professor, he introduced
several generations of future leaders to American foreign policy and statecraft,
including President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney, two directors
of the Central Intelligence Agency, a secretary of defense and several seated
and former U.S. Senators, among others. He taught two highly popular Yale courses: “Introduction
to International Relations” (simply known on campus as “Westerfield”)
and “Intelligence and Covert Operations” (better known to students
as “Spies and Lies”).
Westerfield received two top teaching prizes at Yale, the Byrnes-Sewall Award
for effectiveness in stimulating undergraduate learning and the DeVane Medal
in appreciation for his lifetime of teaching.
He is survived by his wife, Carolyn, and two children, Pamela and Leland.
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 Memorial service planned for H. Bradford Westerfield

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