Bulletin Board
Cancer Survivors Day
On Tuesday, May 13, Yale Cancer Center and Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH) will
host a program for cancer survivors and their families in celebration of National
Cancer Survivors Day.
The event, “New Beginnings: Complementary Approaches to Living Well Today,” will
be held at Oak Lane Country Club, 1027 Racebrook Rd., in Woodbridge. It will
feature a keynote address by Dr. Kenneth Miller, director of the Connecticut
Challenge Survivorship Clinic at the Cancer Center and an attending oncologist
at YNHH.
Hosted by Mel Goldstein, a cancer survivor and chief meteorologist on WTNH Channel
8 News, the event is free and open to the public. Registration will begin at
10:30 a.m. Reservations are required. To reserve a place, call (203) 688-2000
or (888) 700-6543, and press option 2.
Participants may choose to attend a supportive care workshop at 11 a.m., followed
by a luncheon at noon. The workshops are “Defensive Nutrition: The Role
of Nutrition in Strengthening Your Immune System”; “Choices in Breast
Cancer: A Guide for Women To Navigate Through Their Healthcare”; “Life
After Cancer: Exploring Options in Symptom Management and Survivorship”;
and “Self Healing: An Interactive Workshop Focused on Reiki, Massage Therapy
and Image-Guided Therapy for Patients and Their Caregivers.”
Cancer Survivors Day is sponsored by Yale Cancer Center, Yale-New Haven Hospital
and the Connecticut Challenge Survivorship Clinic.
Mathematics prizes
The Department of Mathematics will award the Barge and Runk Prizes on the basis
of a competitive exam that is open to sophomores and freshmen.
The exam will be given 9 a.m.-noon on Thursday, May 1, in Rm. 201, Leet Oliver
Memorial Hall, 12 Hillhouse Ave. Students interested in taking the exam should
sign up with Bernadette Alston-Facey in Rm. 438, Dunham Laboratory, 10 Hillhouse
Ave., by Wednesday, April 30.
In addition, undergraduates majoring in mathematics who wish to pursue their
studies during the summer are eligible to compete for the John Alan Lewis Prize.
A proposal should describe an independent reading or research project which the
student will undertake with the approval and guidance of a faculty member. The
proposal should be submitted to Professor Yair Minsky, director of undergraduate
studies in mathematics, before Thursday, May 1.
For more information about these prizes, call (203) 432-7792.
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