 | G.K. Hunter
In Memoriam: G.K. Hunter
Was a scholar of Renaissance literature
G.K. Hunter, the Emily Sanford Professor Emeritus of English and one of the
world’s leading authorities on Shakespeare and his age, died on April
10 in Topsham, Maine, after a long illness.
George Kirkpatrick Hunter was born in Glasgow in 1920. He received his undergraduate
education at the University of Glasgow, where he acquired the deep knowledge
of the ancient classics that underpinned his lifelong expertise in the literature
of Renaissance Europe. He obtained his D.Phil. at Oxford in 1950.
During World War II, Hunter served in the Royal Navy’s convoy protection
zone in northern Russia, and then in British naval intelligence in Sri Lanka,
operating throughout the Pacific and learning (among other languages) Russian
and Japanese. He then taught English literature at the Universities of Hull,
Reading and Liverpool, before becoming the founding professor of English at
the University of Warwick in 1964.
Warwick was one of seven “New Universities” founded in the United
Kingdom in the 1960s, in an era of expansion of British universities. Their
mission was major curricular and pedagogic innovation. They recruited some
of the most renowned scholars, and had from the start a status equal to prestigious
older institutions. Hunter devised a curriculum for English studies broke from
the Anglo-centric model (“From Beowulf to Virginia Woolf”), which
was standard in most U.K. universities. He insisted that English be studied
in the context of world literature, together with at least one literature in
a language other than English (originally Latin, Italian, French or German).
One of his graduate students at Warwick, Catherine Belsey, who herself became
an eminent Shakespearean, wrote: “There was a sense that something important
was going on. A new department was being built up from first principles, and
what it did mattered. There was no complacency, no resting on old laurels,
no easy imitation of existing systems.” At Warwick, Hunter also served
as a pro-vice-chancellor, a senior administrative role. In 1974, he became,
with Yale professor Claude Rawson, an editor of the Modern Language Review,
one of the oldest journals of literary scholarship, and its supplement, the
Yearbook of English Studies.
Hunter moved to Yale in 1976, becoming an honorary professor at Warwick for
the rest of his life. He was named the Emily Sanford Professor at Yale in 1987
and served as chair of the interdisciplinary graduate program in Renaissance
studies from 1985 to 1991. In honor of his 70th birthday in 1991, he was presented
with a festschrift, “The Arts of Performance in Elizabethan and Early
Stuart Drama,” whose contributors included many of the most distinguished
scholars in the field. He retired from Yale that year, and he and his wife
moved from New Haven to Maine in 2007.
Hunter’s many books and articles include “John Lyly: The Humanist
as Courtier” (1962), a work that laid foundations for later 20th-century
studies of courtliness and drama; a critical study of Milton’s “Paradise
Lost” (1980); and numerous scholarly editions of plays by Lyly, Marston
and Shakespeare. His “Dramatic Identities and Cultural Tradition” (1978)
brought together such noted essays on the cultural dimensions of Elizabethan
drama as “Elizabethans and Foreigners” and “Othello and Color
Prejudice.” Hunter’s “English Drama 1586-1642” (1997)
brought to completion the Oxford History of English Literature, a series that
began in 1935 and that included volumes written by C.S. Lewis and J.I.M. Stewart.
Among other honors, he was named a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1978, and a corresponding
fellow of the British Academy in 1988.
In the words of Rawson, the Maynard Mack Professor of English at Yale, “George
Hunter was a beloved teacher and friend to generations of scholars, a person
of great wisdom and charm, with a wry, acerbic wit that in no way conflicted
with a generous and compassionate nature.”
Hunter is survived by his wife, Shelagh, a distinguished scholar of 19th-century
literature; his children Mary, Andrew and Ruth; and seven grandchildren.
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